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Eugene/Spring/Rose/Alb/Corv News Releases for Sat. Feb. 8 - 1:33 pm
Sat. 02/08/25
Names Released in Yoncalla Homicide/Suicide Case (Photo)
Douglas Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/08/25 9:56 AM
Michelle Bolin
Michelle Bolin

UPDATED & FINAL RELEASE 02/08/2025 10:00 AM

YONCALLA, Ore. - The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has concluded its investigation into the apparent homicide/suicide in Yoncalla that was discovered on Friday, January 31, 2025.


Deputies had responded to the residence in the 100-block of Williams Road in Yoncalla. Upon arrival, a deputy observed two persons down in the residence and forced entry. The deputy confirmed the two adult individuals were deceased from apparent gunshot wounds.


Detectives determined the incident was the result of a homicide/suicide domestic violence incident. During the course of the investigation it was determined 68-year-old Yoncalla resident Steven Curtis Bolin shot and killed his wife, 62-year-old Michelle Bolin before turning the gun on himself.


There are no additional updates expected in this investigation.


The Douglas County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Oregon State Police, Sutherlin Police Department and North Douglas County Fire & EMS.




ORIGINAL RELEASE 02/01/2025 10:19 PM

YONCALLA, Ore. - Detectives are investigating an apparent homicide/suicide in Yoncalla. 


On Friday, January 31, 2025, around 10:20 PM, a business called the Douglas County Sheriff's Office requesting a welfare check on an employee who had not shown up for work.


Deputies responded to the residence in the 100-block of Williams Road in Yoncalla. Upon arrival, a deputy observed two persons down in the residence and forced entry. The deputy confirmed the two adult individuals were deceased from apparent gunshot wounds. 


Detectives were requested to the scene along with the Douglas County Medical Examiner's Office. Evidence at the scene indicates that the incident is likely homicide/suicide. The names of both individuals and the details of the victim and perpetrator are being withheld at this time pending next of kin notification and further investigation. 


Additional details will be disclosed in a subsequent media release. 


The Douglas County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Oregon State Police, Sutherlin Police Department and North Douglas County Fire & EMS. 

Undersheriff Brad O'Dell

Attached Media Files: Michelle Bolin , Steven Curtis Bolin

Fri. 02/07/25
02-07-25 Meeting Notice - Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee
Douglas Co. Government - 02/07/25 4:41 PM



February 7, 2025


Meeting Notice

Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


(Douglas County, Ore.) Douglas County Commissioners Chris Boice, Tim Freeman, and Tom Kress are pleased to inform the public that the next Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2025, at 3:00 pm in Room 216 of the Douglas County Courthouse located at 1036 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon. 


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to view the meeting.  To view the live stream or post meeting recording, please visit: https://video.ibm.com/channel/douglascountyoregon


For additional information please contact the Douglas County Veterans Service Office by calling (541) 440-4219 or email at ans@douglascountyor.gov">veterans@douglascountyor.gov.   The meeting agenda is attached and can be found on the Douglas County government website at https://douglascountyor.gov/.


Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs and activities. 

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact (541) 440-4219

prior to the scheduled meeting time.







Date:  02/11/25  3 PM



The next Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee will take place


Tuesday 02/11/25, 3:00 pm

Douglas County Courthouse

1036 SE Douglas Avenue, Room 216


Agenda Items:


DC Veterans Forum Report

VetNet Report

Roseburg VAMC Update

Veterans Service Office Report

Call  541 440 4219 for information.


Douglas County Veterans Service Office

Rm 7/8, Douglas County Courthouse

1036 SE Douglas Avenue

Roseburg, OR  97470











Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist,(541)670-2804 Cell/(541)957-4896 - Tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Firefighters Respond to Chlorine Leak in Springfield (Photo)
Eugene Springfield Fire - 02/07/25 4:30 PM
Springfield, OR.  Eugene Springfield Fire (ESF) is on scene of a chlorine leak near 28th & M St in Springfield.  Firefighters were called to a Springfield Utility Board (SUB) water treatment facility at 2:18 PM on February 7th for a leaking chlorine tank.  The response brought the Eugene Region 2 Hazardous Materials Team staffed by ESF Firefighters cross trained as Hazardous Materials Technicians.
The leak was isolated to a valve problem that was mitigated with no threat to the public.  ESF crews are remaining on scene working with SUB to ensure a safe replacement of equipment.  Proper planning, systems, response and partnerships ensured a successful outcome.  
The Oregon State Fire Marshal's regional hazardous materials response program equips and trains local Firefighters across Oregon to respond to hazardous materials incidents.   

Attached Media Files: IMG_5256.jpeg , IMG_5548.jpeg , IMG_5545.jpeg

02-07-25 Crab Dock Reopened - Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock Repairs Complete (Photo)
Douglas Co. Government - 02/07/25 4:24 PM
02-06-25 Crab Dock Opened_010_edit CC.jpg
02-06-25 Crab Dock Opened_010_edit CC.jpg



February 7, 2025



Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock Repairs Complete


A picture containing sky, outdoor, scene, water

Description automatically generated


(Winchester Bay, Oregon) The Douglas County Parks Department is pleased to announce that the Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock located at 936 Salmon Harbor Drive in Winchester Bay, Oregon reopened on Thursday, February 6, 2025.  The crab dock, a beloved coastal recreation destination, has undergone extensive repairs after suffering structural damage following a high-water event in 2024.


Located in the heart of Winchester Bay, Windy Cove County Park sits at the confluence of the Umpqua River and the Pacific Ocean.  Douglas County is excited to welcome residents and visitors back to enjoy all areas of Windy Cove County Park. In addition to the 900-foot  dock, the park includes a protected beach, ocean view parking, restrooms and day use picnic facilities.  We appreciate the community's patience and support during the repair process and look forward to seeing this local gem once again bustling with crabbing, fishing, and waterfront enjoyment.


The Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock was originally built by the United States Coast Guard in 1939 and was primarily used as a Coast Guard mooring and shipping dock until 1959, when operations moved to the newly built Coast Guard Station located at the mouth of the Umpqua River.  Douglas County acquired and repurposed the old Coast Guard dock for local recreational opportunities in the 1970's.   


The Douglas County Parks Department appreciates the public's patience as they work to enhance, improve, and expand recreational experiences in our county parks.  For more information, or to locate a Douglas County Park, Campground or Boat Ramp near you, log onto the Douglas County Parks Department's webpage on the Douglas County, Oregon Government website at: https://douglascountyor.gov/Parks

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Media Contacts: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Kellie Trenkle, Douglas County Public Affairs Specialist | Office: 541-440-4493 | Cell 541-670-5381 | enkle@douglascountyor.gov">kellie.trenkle@douglascountyor.gov

Photo Credit: KTrenkle/Douglas County

Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist,(541)670-2804 Cell/(541)957-4896 - Tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Attached Media Files: 02-06-25 Crab Dock Opened_010_edit CC.jpg

Lincoln County Ambulance Service Review Committee to Meet (Photo)
Lincoln Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/07/25 3:27 PM

The Ambulance Service Review Committee (ASRC) intends to meet on Wednesday, February 12, 2024, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm via Zoom. The meeting will be streamed live on the Lincoln County website here: Agendas & Minutes | Lincoln County, OR (https://www.co.lincoln.or.us/129/Agendas-Minutes)


Any members of the public who have questions or would like to attend the meetings should email the Committee Recorder to request virtual meeting information at least 4 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting.

About the Ambulance Service Review Committee


The Lincoln County Ambulance Service Review Committee (ASRC) meets quarterly; the committee members are appointed by the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners with representation from Fire Districts, Ambulance Service Providers, Hospitals, and the public (2 representatives). The committee packets and agenda are posted prior to the meeting and the meeting minutes, once approved, posted at this County website location


Committee Recorder
Susan Trachsel
Assistant Emergency Manager

Attached Media Files: 1.12.2025 ASRC Agenda.pdf

Missing child alert – Sahara Feldmiller is missing and is believed to be in danger (Photo)
Oregon Dept. of Human Services - 02/07/25 2:59 PM
Sahara Feldmiller.PNG
Sahara Feldmiller.PNG

(Salem) -- The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), Child Welfare Division, asks the public to help find Sahara Feldmiller, age 16, a child in foster care who went missing from Newport on Feb. 3. She is believed to be in danger.


ODHS asks the public for help in the effort to find Sahara and to contact 911 or local law enforcement if they believe they see her.


Sahara is known to spend time in Sandy and the Mt. Hood area. She may be trying to travel to Sandpoint, Idaho.


Name: Sahara Feldmiller
Pronouns: She/her
Date of birth: Oct. 16, 2008
Height: 5-foot-2
Weight: 98 pounds
Hair: Dark blonde
Eye color: Blue
Newport Police Department Case #NTPNPP25-1167
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children #2042654


Sometimes when a child is missing they may be in significant danger and ODHS may need to locate them to assess and support their safety. As ODHS works to do everything it can to find these missing children and assess their safety, media alerts will be issued in some circumstances when it is determined necessary. Sometimes, in these situations, a child may go missing repeatedly, resulting in more than one media alert for the same child.


Report child abuse to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline by calling 1-855-503-SAFE (7233).  This toll-free number allows you to report abuse of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year.



Jake Sunderland (he/him)

Attached Media Files: Sahara Feldmiller.PNG

UCC Board of Education Meeting
Umpqua Community College - 02/07/25 1:54 PM

The Umpqua Community College Board of Education will meet on February 12, 2025. At 4:00 pm there will be a work session in room 17 of TapĘ°oĚ€ytĘ°a?1/4 Hall (TAP). The regular meeting will begin at 5:00 pm in TAP 17. Pertinent meeting information can be found at umpqua.edu/board-meetings

Abigail Willis, Board Assistant

02-07-2025 Douglas County Commissioners Deployed to Deliver Meals to Seniors (Photo)
Douglas Co. Government - 02/07/25 12:32 PM
02-06-25 Commissioner Boice clears fallen trees from road.jpg
02-06-25 Commissioner Boice clears fallen trees from road.jpg


February 7, 2025


Douglas County Commissioners Deployed to Deliver Meals to Seniors


(Douglas County, OR)  Douglas County Commissioners Tim Freeman, Tom Kress, and Chris Boice were deployed yesterday at the request of the Douglas County Senior Services Department to assist with meal delivery and welfare checks in the Glendale area.  Due to adverse weather conditions some of our volunteer Douglas County Meals on Wheels drivers were unable to reach vulnerable seniors who rely on this vital service to remain independent in their homes.  The recent accumulation of snow, ice, and fallen trees made it challenging to access driveways and reach several homebound residents, requiring the use of four-wheel-drive vehicles and chainsaws.  When called upon, the Commissioners willingly stepped in to offer their assistance.


Upon arriving at the snow-covered Special People's Depot in Glendale, the Commissioners were cheerfully greeted by our dedicated Bistro Sixty senior dining site volunteers and staff including Susan Allen, Betty Rowton, Shirley Yarborough and Michelle Dozhier.  While staff and volunteers prepared, packed and counted the meals for each route, Commissioner Boice took charge of the snow shovel and cleared all the walkways around the building to help make access easier for our senior dining hall patrons.  Commissioner Freeman also made sure the dining site was stocked with plenty of rock salt to prevent the sidewalks and decks from accumulating ice.  Each of the three Commissioners was assigned their own delivery route, equipped with insulated bags and coolers, and then sent off to deliver the meals.  In total the Commissioners delivered 47 hot and frozen meals to senior clients in Glendale and Azalea.  On the menu today was chicken vegetable stir-fry, brown rice, spiced peaches, whole wheat bread, chocolate pudding and a half pint of fresh milk.  The frozen meals were a variety of nutritious breakfast and lunch options that the seniors can freeze for future use. 


Lunch recipients were excited to greet and visit with our three Commissioners as they trudged through snow to hand-deliver meals to their doors.  The nutritious meal, friendly visit and safety check help seniors cope with three of the biggest threats of aging: hunger, isolation and loss of independence.  Especially when you consider that a year of meals for one person is equal to the cost of a one-day stay in a hospital. Each year, Douglas County Senior Services delivers over 78,000 meals to seniors in the county, as part of their wide range of critical services for our senior communities.


Douglas County Senior Services Department manages the seven Bistro Sixty senior dining sites that prepare meals for our seniors dine-in and Meals on Wheels delivery programs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at our rural dining site locations in Glide, Glendale, Reedsport, Riddle, Sutherlin, Winston, and Yoncalla.  All seniors 60 and up and their spouses are welcome. Hot meals are available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm at each senior dining site.


Senior Services staff know there are others in our communities who could benefit from their Meals on Wheels delivery program and/or meals at their Bistro Sixty senior dining sites.  If residents know of friends or family who are unable to drive, need assistance with daily living activities, would benefit from hot meal delivery, or need other assistance, they are encouraged to call the Aging & Disabilities Resource Connection in the Douglas County Senior Services Department at (541) 440-3677 or by sending an email to c@co.douglas.or.us">adrc@co.douglas.or.us.


            We need more volunteers!  Our rural senior dining sites and Meals on Wheels programs are successful because of the dedication of wonderful volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering at one or more of our Douglas County Bistro Sixty senior dining sites and/or Meals on Wheels programs contact Douglas County Senior Services at (541) 440-3677 or Amanda Hilburn at urn@douglascountyor.gov">amanda.hilburn@douglascountyor.gov  or (541) 440-4245 or Kellie Redifer at edifer@douglascountyor.gov">kellie.redifer@douglascountyor.gov or (541) 464-3893. 




Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov.

Photos Attached: Photo credit T.Howell & K.Trenkle -- Douglas County. Individual photos available upon request.

Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist,(541)670-2804 Cell/(541)957-4896 - Tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Attached Media Files: 02-06-25 Commissioner Boice clears fallen trees from road.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Boice greets a client at his gate.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Boice packs meals for seniors in Glendale..jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Boice shovels snow at the Glendale DIning Site.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Freeman delivers meals in the snow.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Freeman delivers meals to a client.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Freeman helps carry isolated bags for Dining Site Manager Susan Allen.jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioner Kress getting ready to head out to deliver meals..jpg , 02-06-25 Commissioners all packed up with meals and headed to seniors homes.jpg , 02-06-25 Michelle Dozhier prepares meals for delivery in Glendale.jpg , 02-06-25 Susan Allen, Betty Rowton, Shirley Yarbarough, Comm Boice, Comm Freeman, Michelle Dozhier and Comm Kress.jpg

One Sent to Hospital Following Springfield Fire (Photo)
Eugene Springfield Fire - 02/07/25 12:25 PM

Springfield, OR. Eugene Springfield Fire responded to a fire in an occupied storage building in Springfield Friday morning.  Firefighters were dispatched to the fire in the 5200 block of Daisy St at 11:18 AM. Engine 14 arrived 2 minutes after dispatch to find a working fire in a storage shed attached to a carport.  The fire was quickly contained preventing spread to the home.  One person was occupying the storage building at the time of the fire and was transported to a local hospital in serious condition.  The cause is under investigation.  


Attached Media Files: IMG_5542.jpeg , IMG_5535.jpeg

Street takeover closes northeast Salem intersection Saturday night, five arrested (Photo)
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 11:07 AM
SMP25009836_A weapon seized in one of the arrests.jpg
SMP25009836_A weapon seized in one of the arrests.jpg

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 7, 2025


Arrests made, cars towed in follow-up investigations


Update 02/07/2025 | 1000


Strategic Investigation Unit detectives made two arrests yesterday, February 6, as they conduct follow-up investigations involving incidents that occurred during the street takeover on February 1 at the intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE.


Miguel Garcia-Ramirez, age 27, and Armando Castaneda-Lopez, age 30, both of Salem, were arrested for their participation in the reckless vehicle display of speed. Their vehicles were used to perform dangerous burnouts in the roadway. Garcia-Ramirez and Castaneda-Lopez were lodged at the Marion County Jail.

Garcia-Ramirez's charges include:

  • Organizing a speed racing event
  • Conspiracy to commit reckless driving
  • Disorderly conduct, second-degree
  • Criminal mischief, third-degree

Castaneda-Lopez's charges include:

  • Organizing a speed racing event
  • Reckless driving
  • Disorderly conduct, second-degree
  • Criminal mischief, third-degree

The 2019 Dodge Charger owned by Garcia-Ramirez and the 1999 BMW 328 owned by Castaneda-Lopez were towed.


The specialty team will continue their follow-up investigations on various complaints of criminal activity that occurred that Saturday night. The media release will be updated with other arrests as they are made.


# # #



Originally published 02/02/2025 | 1330


Street takeover closes northeast Salem intersection Saturday night, five arrested


Salem, Ore. -- The intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE was closed at about 8:45 p.m. on Saturday, February 1 after the area was taken over illegally by a crowd of people and vehicles.


At approximately 12:00 p.m., a crowd of people gathered in the parking lots of several businesses on the four corners of the intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE. The group was demonstrating against national immigration enforcement efforts.


By 2:00 p.m., the group was estimated to have 300 participants. The gathered remained relatively peaceful, although traffic in the area was congested. As the event progressed, callers reported participants throwing objects and hitting passing cars.


Eventually, more police resources were called in to address the event.


Other reports were received at about 7:00 p.m. of participants standing in the crosswalk not allowing traffic to continue, fireworks being ignited, and vehicles driving recklessly. At this point further police resources were necessary, including calling in officers from home and requesting outside agency assistance.


At about 8:30 p.m., the intersection was overtaken by drivers performing burnouts and dangerously drifting and spinning in the roadway, and nearly 50 people occupying the street.


The intersection was closed shortly afterward with north and southbound Lancaster DR closed between D ST and Sunnyview RD, east and westbound Market ST was closed between Fisher RD and Tierra DR. Cherriots buses were rerouted. Oregon State Police temporarily closed the Market ST offramp.


As specialized crowd management officers from the Mobile Response Team (MRT) arrived, the group surrounded a vehicle on Lancaster DR blocking all northbound traffic. The officers cleared the area allowing the vehicle to proceed. The protestors threw water bottles and cans of beer at Salem Police vehicles.


MRT and patrol officers contacted individuals observed engaging in criminal activity and seized one handgun.


The following five individuals were arrested on various charges including reckless driving and disorderly conduct:

  • Abram Michael Delao, age 19, Salem
  • Martin Andrew Gonzalez, age 34, Salem
  • Joshua Alexander Perez, age 18, Salem
  • Martin Arturo Galvez-Prado, age 34, Salem
  • Angel Sierra Ramos, age 30, Salem

Galvez-Prado faces an added charge of unlawful possession of a firearm.


The remaining crowd gathered on the sidewalks dispersed slowly, and traffic diminished, allowing the street closures to be lifted at approximately 11:00 p.m.


There were no reported injuries; however, officers will be conducting follow up investigations on several complaints of criminal mischief.


Salem Police Chief Trevor Womack remarked, "Saturday's unruly protest, along with other emergency calls including an armed kidnapping, strained our limited patrol staffing resources. Multiple Salem officers were called in from home and partner agencies also responded to ensure safety was maintained and criminal offenders were appropriately held accountable.


"I am very proud of the work our officers accomplished under challenging and dangerous circumstances, yesterday's events just being the most recent examples. I want to thank them and our regional partners for their service, dedication, and professionalism."


For this incident, the Salem Police Department received assistance with traffic control from the Oregon State Police, and the Keizer Police Department assisted by handling calls in the city while patrol officers, MRT, and Strategic Investigations Unit detectives addressed the street take over and disorder.


# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Attached Media Files: SMP25009836_A weapon seized in one of the arrests.jpg , SMP25009836_Garcia-Ramirez vehicle towed.png , SMP25009836_Castaneda-Lopez vehicle towed.png

Public appeal for help locating missing, endangered Salem woman (Photo)
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:47 AM
Salem Police Misssing Person Case SMP24111546_Priscilla Joann Aldana.png
Salem Police Misssing Person Case SMP24111546_Priscilla Joann Aldana.png

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: December 27, 2024

Public appeal for help locating missing, endangered Salem woman


Salem, Ore. -- The Salem Police Department asks for the public's help in locating a missing, endangered woman, Priscilla Joann Aldana of Salem.


Priscilla was reported missing on Monday, December 23; however, was last known to be in the area of Lancaster DR and Hagers Grove RD SE at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday, December 20.


Priscilla is a 43-year-old Hispanic woman with black, curly hair and brown eyes. She is approximately 5??'foot, 8??'inches in height and has a slender build.


Priscilla left her minor children and is without medication which she needs.


Anyone who sees Priscilla is asked to call the Salem Police Tip Line at 503-588-8477.


"Several posters are circulating asking the public to call alternate phone numbers and email addresses," said public information officer Angela Hedrick, adding, "However, it is important that the public specifically call the Salem Police Tip Line so that the information is received by the detectives handling the case."


# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Attached Media Files: Salem Police Misssing Person Case SMP24111546_Priscilla Joann Aldana.png

Adult posing as teen arrested on multiple sex crimes charges (Photo)
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:44 AM
Detectives search for other possible victims
Detectives search for other possible victims

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 2, 2025

Adult posing as teen arrested on multiple sex crimes charges

Detectives search for other possible victims


Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police Special Victims Unit detectives arrested Salem resident Jeramey Lee Braman on December 31, 2024, on charges of second-degree sex abuse (nine counts), third-degree rape, and third-degree sodomy.


Braman became the focus of an investigation after detectives received a report he was posing as a minor on social media to meet teen girls.

Detectives are seeking additional information for anyone who had contact with Braman and are releasing his photograph, description, and usernames which he used to contact minor girls.


Braman, age 24, is 5-feet, 2-inches tall, has brown hair and brown eyes, and a slender build. He was an active SnapChat and Instagram user under the names lil j or jbraman0 or yaboylilj. He drives newer model, white sedans.


Anyone who has had similar incidents involving Braman, or who may have information relevant to the case, is asked to call Detective Cort Kirksey at 503-540-2418.


# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Attached Media Files: Detectives search for other possible victims

Serial burglar In custody (Photo)
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:42 AM
SMP241105287_Stolen property recovered in the investigation.png
SMP241105287_Stolen property recovered in the investigation.png

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 15, 2025



Serial burglar in custody


Salem, Ore. -- On Tuesday, January 14, Felony Crimes Unit detectives arrested Johnathan Dale Korrell of Salem on charges of burglary and theft related to a five-week investigation into a series of northeast Salem business burglaries.


The first burglary occurred on December 2, 2024, with five other incidents occurring in the weeks that followed.

With the assistance of the Salem Police SWAT Team, detectives served a search warrant at a residence in the 500 block of Locust ST NE. Recovered in the search were multiple pieces of property stolen in the burglaries which have a conservative aggregate value of $100,000.


Korrell, who was inside the Locust ST residence, was arrested without incident and lodged at the Marion County Jail on the following charges:

  • Burglary, first-degree, three counts
  • Burglary, second-degree, three counts
  • Attempt to commit burglary, second-degree
  • Theft, first-degree, three counts
  • Aggravated theft, first-degree, two counts
  • Criminal mischief, first-degree

The investigation is ongoing and no further information is available for release.


The 36-year-old Korrell is set to be arraigned today at 2:30 p.m. at the Marion County Circuit Annex.


# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Attached Media Files: SMP241105287_Stolen property recovered in the investigation.png

Wanted suspect shot during arrest attempt
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:41 AM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 22, 2025


Wanted suspect shot during arrest attempt


Salem, Ore. -- Late this morning, two Salem Police officers were involved in a use of force incident resulting in the death of a suspect.


At approximately 11:30 a.m. officers were in a foot pursuit of a wanted adult male suspect. The suspect fled into an apartment complex near the 3200 block of River Road North and toward a residential unit while armed with a handgun. The officers confronted the suspect and shots were fired. The suspect was struck. Despite life-saving measures employed by responding officers, the suspect died at the scene.


No officers were injured in the incident.  


The names of the suspect and the officers involved will not be released at this time.


The Marion County Law Enforcement Officer Deadly Use of Force Plan under Senate Bill 111 has been initiated for this incident, and the Oregon State Police will be conducting the primary investigation.


Additionally, per the use of force plan protocol, all future case updates will be provided by the Oregon State Police.


# # #


Salem Police Communications Office

Collision leads to discovery of deceased body
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:41 AM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 30, 2025


Collision leads to discovery of deceased body


Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police Violent Crimes Unit detectives are investigating the death of a Salem resident after Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies discovered a body in the wreckage of crash in Polk County.


At approximately 6:30 a.m. on Monday, January 27, Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to a single-vehicle rollover collision in the 10000 block of Corvallis RD in Independence. The driver, identified as Tyler Andrew Holman, age 39 of Salem, was located with injuries and transported for medical care.


Deputies also discovered the body of a deceased woman. The circumstances at the scene suggested that she was not killed in the car accident, rather, her body was being transported at the time of the crash.


An autopsy performed by the Oregon State Medical Examiner determined that the woman's cause of death was from a gunshot wound and manner of death to be homicide. The victim is identified as Ashley Jean Gandolfi, age 35.


The investigation into Gandolfi's death led detectives to a residence in the 1600 block of Acacia DR S where Holman resides. Gandolfi and Holman were previously in a romantic relationship.


Holman was released from Salem Health today, January 30, and arrested on the following charges:

  • Murder, second-degree
  • Tampering with evidence
  • Abuse of a corpse, second-degree

The investigation is ongoing and no other information is available for release.


With Holman in custody at the Marion County Jail, all further media inquiries are to be directed to the Marion County District Attorney's Office.

# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Police search for woman, child abducted by armed ex-boyfriend
Salem Police Dept. - 02/07/25 9:40 AM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 2, 2025


Police search for woman, child abducted by armed ex-boyfriend


Salem, Ore. -- At approximately 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, a woman and her young child were reported as being abducted from her apartment in southeast Salem by her estranged boyfriend.


Officers learned the suspect, identified as Javier B. Munoz, Jr., entered the apartment at gunpoint at approximately 3:00 a.m. that morning, keeping the victim and child inside. About 12 hours later, Munoz made threats to the victim, compelling her to leave with him and the child.


While actively searching for Munoz and the victim, a caller reported a man and woman struggling over a child in the 400 block of Hawthorne AV NE. Officers arrived and learned the incident involved Munoz and the victim. Munoz, who was reported to have a handgun, fled with the child on foot toward Geer Community Park.


Patrol officers flooded the area in search of the pair. The Salem Police SWAT Team and officers from multiple regional agencies provided assistance in an extensive two-and-a-half-hour search using canines and unmanned aircraft systems, commonly known as drones.


Munoz and the child were ultimately located concealed beneath a trailer in the area of Oregon AV and Bell RD NE. The young child was uninjured and safely returned to their mother.


Javier Munoz, age 45 of Salem, was arrested on multiple related charges including first-degree kidnapping, menacing, unlawful use of a weapon, and burglary. He is currently lodged at the Polk County Jail related to multiple outstanding warrants from other cases in that county.


The Salem Police Department extends its thanks to the Marion County Sheriff's Office, the Oregon State Police, and the Woodburn Police Department for their assistance in the search for and apprehension of Munoz. Patrol resources were limited due to other emergency calls for service and an immigration protest occurring during the same time period.


# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Thu. 02/06/25
Residential Structure Fire - 844 W. Princeton Avenue - 2-6-25 (Photo)
Roseburg Fire Dept. - 02/06/25 6:39 PM
Image 1
Image 1

At 3:11 p.m. on February 6, 2025, firefighters responded to a residential structure fire with reported smoke inside the home. Firefighters arrived on scene to find a multi-family residential apartment complex with nothing showing. Upon investigation, firefighters found smoke inside an apartment with evidence of a stove fire that had been extinguished. 


Fire crews found heavy heat and smoke inside the apartment and quickly checked for any possible extension from the fire.  The fire was discovered when the occupant arrived home from work and found the home full of smoke with a smoldering stove fire. No occupants were home at the time of the fire.


The single-family residence sustained structural, smoke, and water damage. A family of five, including two adults and three children, were displaced due to the fire.  Sadly, a family dog and cat did not survive the fire. The American Red Cross is providing assistance to the displaced residents.


A fire investigator responded to the scene of the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation.  Seven firefighters assisted with firefighting operations. Other agencies assisting with the fire included the Roseburg Police Department and the American Red Cross.


The Roseburg Fire Department would like to remind everyone of the importance of working smoke alarms and ensuring you have the appropriate number of smoke alarms installed in the home. Remember to make sure you have working smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside each sleeping area and in every bedroom. Roseburg Fire Department recommends that homeowners consider a home fire sprinkler system for increased protection.


Fire Chief Tyler Christopherson, Roseburgfire@roseburgor.gov, 541-492-6770

Attached Media Files: Image 1

Arrests Made in Scam (Photo)
Albany Police - 02/06/25 6:16 PM
Xue, Young "Tom"
Xue, Young "Tom"

On Monday, February 3, 2025, an Albany resident reported to police that sometime around Christmas 2024, he believed he picked a virus up on his phone from advertisements on the Solitaire app he uses.  After clicking on a link, he started receiving calls from a "Chris Wilson", a purported employee from PayPal who was attempting to notify him that his personal information had been compromised. 


The victim was later connected to other people, "Eddy Cooper" and "Mack Jones" that claimed they worked for Edward Jones financial department and advised the victim that he had "been hacked into" for $37,500.00.   The suspect convinced the victim that he needed to deposit an equal amount of money from what was taken to "mirror" the amount taken so that the transaction could be voided.

The victim was instructed to take $10,000.00 to a Bitcoin Depot Kiosk. "Mack" had set up a Bitcoin account for him where he could scan the code on the kiosk to input and he deposited $10,000 while on the phone with "Mack." The victim was advised to have the remaining balance at his residence to be picked up by a courier to complete the transaction. Thankfully, the victim became suspicious and contacted the Albany Police Department. Officers and detectives worked quickly with the victim to arrange a sting for the suspects for the following day, Tuesday, 02/04/2025.


At the arranged time, a white 2015 BMW X5, Washington License: CFT9253 arrived in the area, with the two suspects.  An Asian male adult, known as "Tom" arrived to pick up the money. He provided the "passcode" to the undercover officer who verified the passcode. "Tom", later identified as Yong Xue, was quickly taken into custody after a short foot pursuit. The suspects are Chinese nationals who had their consulate notified.  The FBI and Assistant United States Attorney were contacted and are assisting in the investigation. The following suspects are in custody at the Linn County Jail for the listed crimes:


Xue, Yong  ("Tom") ,32 years old

Unknown Address, Tacoma, WA

Aggravated Theft I

Conspiracy to Commit-Aggravated Theft I



He, Zhen,  36 years old

Unknown Address, Tacoma, WA

Conspiracy to Commit-Aggravated Theft I


The Albany Police Department believes these two individuals could be involved in more fraud cases and are seeking anyone that recognizes one or both individuals with similar type interactions to contact the Albany Police Department at 541-917-7680. We would like to thank our officers, detectives and L.I.N.E. task force for completing a thorough investigation and promptly arresting two heinous scammers.


Scammers have bilked victims worldwide out of a staggering $1.03 trillion in the past year, according to the 2024 Global State of Scams report and is often underreported because people are too embarrassed or ashamed to report they are a victim of a scam. The Albany Police would like to encourage our residents to be alert for these scams and diligent in educating our community's vulnerable adults.  





#  #  #

Laura Hawkins, PIO
Desk: 541.917.3206
Cell: 541.905.6957
Email: Laura.hawkins@albanyoregon.gov

Attached Media Files: Xue, Young "Tom" , He, Zhen , Suspect photo

2/6/25 - Lane County Sheriff’s Office arrests two men during Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) investigations (Photo)
Lane Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/06/25 4:12 PM
Lane County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Lane County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
On February 6th, Lane County Sheriff's detectives served a search warrant at residences in the 100 block of Lea Avenue and 2500 block of Willakenzie Road, Eugene. The suspect, Noah Alan Starkey-Gomes, 31, was contacted and arrested. Starkey-Gomes was lodged at the Lane County Jail on 2 counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse in the 1st Degree and 2 counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse in the 2nd Degree.
Detectives then served a search warrant at a residence in the 1000 block of Cinnamon Avenue, Eugene. The suspect, James Watson Gilbert, 42, was contacted and arrested. Gilbert was lodged at the Lane County Jail on 10 counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse in the 1st Degree and 10 counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse in the 2nd Degree.
Both of these search warrants stemmed from separate, unrelated investigations by the Lane County Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, focusing on child exploitation. Currently there is no indication of any local victims involved in these cases, and the charges are for the possession of child pornography.
The Lane County Sheriff's Office received assistance during these investigations from the Springfield Police Department, Eugene Police Department, Oregon State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the Oregon Department of Justice.
These arrests are part of an ongoing effort by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to combat child exploitation and protect vulnerable members of our community. The investigation is ongoing, and no further details are available at this time.
LCSO Case #24-6642, #24-6040
Sgt. Tim Wallace

Attached Media Files: Lane County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force

PUC Hosts Virtual Meeting for Public to Comment on Avista's Proposed Rate Increase
Oregon Public Utility Commission - 02/06/25 2:49 PM

SALEM, Ore. -- The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) is hosting an event on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. PST. This event provides an opportunity for the public to comment on Avista's proposed increase to natural gas rates.


Avista filed a request to increase overall revenues by $7.8 million. If approved, residential customers living in single-family homes using an average of 47 therms per month would see a bill increase of $4.39. Actual percentage increases will vary depending on customer type, usage, and the rate paid. Avista's general rate case filing proposes the following impacts to the non-fuel cost portion of Oregon customer bills:


Customer Types





Proposed percentage increase from current rates










Avista asserts these proposed rate increases are necessary to account for investments in the system to improve capacity and safety.


Avista's general rate case filing is undergoing a nearly year-long review and will be fully investigated on behalf of natural gas customers by the PUC, the Oregon Citizens' Utility Board, and others. These public comment events are part of that investigation, which will conclude in August when the Commissioners rule on the request. The Commissioners may approve or modify Avista's request and will only approve rate increases if fully justified by the company. New rates, if approved, are expected to go into effect September 1, 2025. Additionally, Avista may have other rate changes effective on or after November 1, 2025, such as rates associated with the company's purchased gas adjustment, that could increase or decrease the overall impact for customers.


Ways to Comment

Interested individuals may participate in the live event listed below to provide verbal comments to the Commissioners and the Administrative Law Judge presiding over this case as well as submit written comments.


Comment via Zoom or phone 

When:  Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. PST

This meeting may go beyond the scheduled end time to allow more people to comment. The Commission will attempt to accommodate all individuals arriving before 7 p.m. PST and may close the meeting at 7 p.m. if there are no members of the public waiting to comment at that time. Members of the publish who want to comment are encouraged to sign into the meeting as close to 6 p.m. as possible. This event will not be livestreamed.


Access the agenda, Zoom link and phone-in details at: https://bit.ly/412rzhO


Spanish translation services are available for community convenience at no cost. For those needing translation services, log into the Zoom platform and select English or Spanish on the bottom of the page. Translation services are not available for the meeting phone-in option.


Submit comments to the PUC by April 22, 2025

Stay Informed

To stay informed throughout this case, individuals may request to be added to the distribution list to receive publicly available documents. Submit requests by email to ings@puc.oregon.gov">puc.hearings@puc.oregon.gov or by calling 503-378-6678. Please specify Docket No. UG 519 in the request.


# # #


The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) regulates customer rates and services of the state's investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities, including Portland General Electric, Idaho Power, Pacific Power, Avista, Cascade Natural, and NW Natural. The PUC also regulates landline telephone providers and select water companies. The PUC's mission is to ensure Oregonians have access to safe, reliable, and fairly priced utility services that advance state policy and promote the public interest. We use an inclusive process to evaluate differing viewpoints and visions of the public interest and arrive at balanced, well-reasoned, independent decisions supported by fact and law. For more information about the PUC, visit oregon.gov/puc.

Kandi Young, Public Information Officer
Cell: 503-551-5290 Kandi.young@puc.oregon.gov

Statewide harm reduction program gets $5.1 million from Opioid Settlement Board
Oregon Health Authority - 02/06/25 2:06 PM

February 6, 2025 

Media contact: Timothy Heider, 971-246-9139, PHD.Communications@oha.oregon.gov 

Statewide harm reduction program gets $5.1 million from Opioid Settlement Board 

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The Opioid Settlement Prevention, Treatment & Recovery Board (Board) is directing $5.1 million toward the Save Lives Oregon harm reduction clearinghouse at Oregon Health Authority. This investment serves to continue the Board's commitment to fill gaps across the substance use disorder continuum of care.

The Board recognized the importance of distributing life-saving overdose reversal medications, but also that more work remains to provide needed services to people seeking support and services for substance use disorder and overdose prevention. 

The allocation represents 22% of the Board's total allocation budget of $23.4 million for the 2025-27 fiscal biennium that begins July 1. Programs focused on primary prevention, treatment and recovery will receive similar percentages.   

The Board also provided an additional $237,000 toward a previously approved recommendation of $830,000 for the expansion of culturally specific services in existing recovery community centers throughout the state, bringing the total allocation to more than $1 million for the current fiscal biennium.   

The funding was awarded to OHA, which will administer the allocations. The Board's decision can be viewed in a recording of its Feb. 5 meeting.

We are confident that this investment will indeed save lives in Oregon by expanding our statewide capacity to provide naloxone and other live-saving services to people most in need," said Board Co-Chair Annaliese Dolph. "But, in doing so, we recognize that this is not enough, and that additional and sustained investment is urgently needed to stem the tide of substance use  disorder and overdose in Oregon. The Board calls on the Legislature to fulfill the Governor's request for ongoing funding for Save Lives Oregon." 

Since July 2021, the State of Oregon has reached agreement on national lawsuits against several companies for their roles in the opioid crisis. Through these agreements, more than $600 million will be awarded to Oregon through 2039. Settlement funds from opioid manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies are divided between the State of Oregon (45%) and local jurisdictions (55%).  

The state's share is deposited into the Opioid Settlement, Prevention, Treatment and Recovery (OSPTR) Fund as it becomes available. This fund is controlled by the 18-member OSPTR Board.  

Throughout the current fiscal biennium ending in June 2025, about $98.5 million will be deposited into the OSPTR Fund. To date, more than $90 million has been allocated.

According to the Opioid Settlement Board's annual report, published this week, Oregon allocated $74 million of the state portion of opioid settlement funds on locally based initiatives and programs across Oregon in the 2023-24 fiscal year (covering the period from July 1, 2023, through June 20, 2024).

The report showed nearly identical percentages allocated across the continuum of substance use services statewide.

Highlights of the spending this biennium include:

  • 30% ($27.7 million) for the Nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon --equivalent to 30% of all funds anticipated this biennium. This 30% set-aside will continue throughout the life of the fund as additional settlement payments are deposited. 
  • 22% ($13.7 million) for the Save Lives Oregon Harm Reduction Clearinghouse to distribute naloxone and other life-saving supplies to organizations across Oregon. 
  • 22% ($13.7 million) to support primary prevention programs though counties and community based organizations, and to build up and strengthen the statewide substance use disorder prevention workforce.
  • 21% ($13.08 million) to establish recovery community centers in counties with the greatest need and expand youth and culturally specific services in existing recovery community centers. 
  • 23% ($14.3 million) to add mobile and non-mobile medication units to existing Oregon opioid treatment programs (OTPs), and for Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) to provide training and technical assistance to jails to improve access to medications for opioid use disorder.

The OSPTR Board will next consider additional investments in research and evaluation. 

To learn more about Oregon's opioid settlement funds, visit oregon.gov/opioidsettlement  


Media Contact: Timothy Heider, 971-246-9139, PHD.Communications@oha.oregon.gov

OSP Fish & Wildlife seeks public's help to identify wolf poacher - Union County
Oregon State Police - 02/06/25 1:09 PM

UNION COUNTY, Ore. Feb. 6, 2025 -- The Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division is asking for the public's help to identify the person(s) responsible for the unlawful take of a wolf in Union County.

On January 29, 2025, Fish and Wildlife troopers responded to Catherine Creek Lane, about 11 miles southeast of Union, Ore., where they located a wolf tracking collar. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife identified Collar OR 86 as belonging to the alpha male of the Frazier Mountain pack.


The wolf carcass was not located. OSP Fish and Wildlife troopers believe the collar was removed following the unlawful take of OR 86, likely within the month of January.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Turn In Poachers (TIP) hotline at 1-800-452-7888 or OSP (677) from a mobile phone. Please reference case number SP25-032551.

Anyone with information may remain anonymous. If the information leads to a citation or arrest, a TIP reward of cash or preference points will be offered.


Report Wildlife and Habitat Law Violators

The Turn In Poachers (TIP) program is a collaboration between the Oregon State Police, Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association, and the Oregon State Marine Board.


The TIP program offers preference point rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of big game mammals.  


Preference Point Rewards

5 Points: Bighorn Sheep

5 Points: Rocky Mountain Goat

5 Points: Moose

5 Points: Wolf

4 Points: Elk

4 Points: Deer

4 Points: Pronghorn Antelope

4 Points: Bear

4 Points: Cougar


The TIP program also offers cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of the following fish and wildlife species. Cash rewards can also be awarded for habitat destruction, illegally obtaining hunting or angling licenses or tags, lending or borrowing big game tags, spotlighting, or snagging.


Cash Rewards

Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) cash rewards:

$2,000 Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, or Moose

$1,000 Elk, Deer, or Antelope

$600 Bear, Cougar, or Wolf
$400 Game Fish & Shellfish
$400 Snagging/Attempt to Snag

$300 Habitat destruction

$200 Illegally obtaining Oregon hunting or angling license or tags

$200 Unlawful lending/borrowing big game tag(s)

$200 Game Birds or Furbearers

$200 Spotlighting


The Northwest Steelheaders Association and the Coastal Conservation Association sponsor, in part, the rewards for Games, Fish and Shellfish, and snagging/attempting to snag.


Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) Cash Rewards:

$500 Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Owl, Osprey

$500 Cougar, Bobcat, Beaver (public lands only), Black bears, Bighorn Sheep, Marten, Fisher, Sierra Nevada Red Fox

$1,000 Species listed as "threatened" or "endangered" under state or federal Endangered Species Act (excludes fish)

$10,000 for Wolves east of Highway 395 and $11,500 for Wolves east of Highway 395 and north of Highway 20

Oregon Outfitters & Guides Association (OOGA) Cash Rewards:

$200 Acting as an Outfitter Guide for the Illegal Killing of Wildlife, Illegally Obtaining Oregon Hunting or Angling Licenses or Tags, or Illegally Offering to Act as an Outfitter Guide as defined in ORS 704.010 and 704.020.


How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity:

TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or OSP (677)

TIP email: TIP@osp.oregon.gov (monitored Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

For more information, visit: www.oregon.gov/osp/programs/fw/Pages/tip.aspx


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About the Oregon State Police

Oregon State Police (OSP) is a multi-disciplined organization that is charged with protecting the people, wildlife, and natural resources in Oregon. OSP enforces traffic laws on the state's roadways, investigates and solves crime, conducts postmortem examinations and forensic analysis, and provides background checks, and law enforcement data. The agency regulates gaming and enforces fish, wildlife, and natural resource laws. OSP is comprised of more than 1,400 staff members -- including troopers, investigators, and professional staff -- who provide a full range of policing and public safety services to Oregon and other law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon. 

Oregon State Police
Public Information Officer

Tip of the Week for the Week of February 10, 2025 - Celebrate Super Bowl and Seafood and Wine Safely (Photo)
Lincoln Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/06/25 10:00 AM
Tip of the Week Images - Celebrate Super Bowl Safely.png
Tip of the Week Images - Celebrate Super Bowl Safely.png


Football fans are gathering for Super Bowl Sunday and Seafood and Wine attendees are getting ready to trickle into town. When you think of drunk driving, it's easy to think about the financial impact: fines, legal fees, and criminal charges are no joke and can seriously affect your future. But there are additional consequences that impact our communities.


Drivers that get DUIs (a driving under the influence citation) are the lucky ones. Many know someone that has been killed or injured by an impaired driver or know someone that made the wrong choice and was the drunk driver. During football season, special events, and throughout the year, we urge you to make the right choice and not to drive after drinking. If you are drinking, have a plan to keep yourself and your community safe. Have a designated driver, use a taxi, or alternate transportation. Friends also play a large role in keeping each other safe. Encourage those around you not to drive after drinking and when possible, help them find a safe way home.


If you didn't plan on drinking but find yourself drinking in the moment, do not drive home, find a safe alternative instead. But you really need your car for work in the morning and you're "just a little buzzed?". Buzzed driving is drunk driving. You may get hit with large fines, lose your car and your job due to court dates and a DUI charge on your record, and you may kill someone or yourself if you are in a crash. Don't be the reason someone doesn't make it home. Don't drive after drinking. 

For more information and tips visit our website at www.lincolncountysheriff.net and like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriff's Office -- Oregon.


Sheriff Adam Shanks

Attached Media Files: 02.06.25 - Celebrate Super Bowl and Seafood and Wine Safely.pdf , Tip of the Week Images - Celebrate Super Bowl Safely.png

Smoke Management Advisory Committee meets on Feb. 13
Oregon Dept. of Forestry - 02/06/25 8:58 AM

SALEM, Ore. -- The Smoke Management Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, Feb. 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ODF Headquarters, Building C, Tillamook Room, 2600 State Street, Salem. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.


The committee's agenda includes:

  • Welcome and roll call

  • Committee business

  • Committee & agency reports

  • Smoke Management Unit FY24 budget overview & discussion

  • Fall burning overview

  • Rule review committee discussion

  • Action item review/next meeting

The meeting is open to the public to attend either in person or virtually. There will be a period for public comment in the morning. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting by contacting y.berry@odf.oregon.gov">Shelby Berry at 503-949-5181.


View more information on the SMAC webpage.


Created by the Legislature in 1989, the five-member committee assists and advises the Oregon Department of Forestry in carrying out its Smoke Management Program. Members are appointed by the State Forester to serve a two-year term, which is renewable.

Shelby Berry, Committee Assistant, Shelby.berry@odf.oregon.gov, 503-949-5181

Wed. 02/05/25
Providence St. Vincent Hospitalists Reach Tentative Agreement
Oregon Nurses Assn. - 02/05/25 11:10 PM

If ratified, this would be the first contract for the more than 70 hospitalists who formed their union in August 2023.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - After more than a year of bargaining and 27 days on the strike line, hospitalists from Providence St. Vincent, represented by the Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association, reached a tentative agreement with Providence Oregon. This is a historic agreement and the first for the more than 70 hospitalists at St. Vincent who have been on strike with registered nurses (RNs) from eight Providence hospitals and the doctors, RNs, advanced practice providers, and midwives from the Providence Women's Clinic since January 10.  


It comes on the heels of a tentative agreement with eight RN bargaining units and the ratification of contracts from two bargaining units from the Providence Women's Clinic. Hospitalists won their right to unionize in August 2023 and have been engaged in hard negotiations with Providence ever since.


Key provisions of the agreement include: 

  • A sweeping commitment to reform staffing models across all units, improving patient care and safety standards.  
  • The strongest subcontracting language in the region with conditional commitment not to subcontract out.  
  • Across-the-board raises that makes Providence more competitive with other health systems, with movement toward equity, guaranteed cost-of-living increases, and ratification bonuses across specialties. 
  • Gains in sick time to establish equity with other Providence hospitalists. 
  • Most importantly, however, they have gained a unified voice to continue to advocate for their patients, their community, and themselves into the future. 

The ratification vote will open on Thursday, February 6 at 4 p.m. and close Friday, February 7 at 4 p.m.   


Note: We will not provide further comment until after the vote closes.    

The Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association (PNWHMA) Was Created In 2014 As The First Hospitalist-specific Labor Union In The United States. It Has Since Expanded To Represent More Doctors And Advanced Practice Providers. PNWHMA Is Affiliated With AFT Healthcare--the Fastest-growing Healthcare Union In The Country. AFT Healthcare Represents More Than 200,000 Members In 100 Locals In 18 States And Territories. PNWHMA Is Serviced By ONA.

The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) Represents A Diverse Community Of More Than 21,000 Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Throughout Oregon. Together, We Use Our Collective Power To Advocate For Critical Issues Impacting Patients, Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Including A More Effective, Affordable And Accessible Healthcare System; Better Working Conditions For All Health Care Professionals; And Healthier Communities. For More Information Visit Www.OregonRN.org.

Scott Palmer, Palmer@OregonRN.org, 503-516-4840
Peter Starzynski, Starzynski@OregonRN.org, 503-960-7989

Winter Weather Advisory for Oregon: Falling Branches and Power Line Precautions (Photo)
Oregon Dept. of Emerg. Management - 02/05/25 4:23 PM
3 2.png
3 2.png

Oregon residents are bracing for continued winter storms bringing heavy snow, ice, and increased risks of falling tree branches and downed power lines. Emergency management officials urge the public to remain alert, be properly prepared for winter driving, and follow safety guidelines to protect homes, vehicles, and personal well-being. 


Risk of Falling Branches 

Many regions in Oregon are experiencing snowfall and ice buildup on trees. The added weight can cause branches--or even entire trees--to snap unexpectedly. Falling branches pose a danger to: 

  • Vehicles: Branches can damage cars, so avoid parking under trees whenever possible. 

  • Pedestrians: Tree limbs can break without warning, so be extra cautious when walking outdoors. 

  • Power lines: Branches falling onto power lines may cause electrical hazards or widespread outages. 

Downed branches can disrupt utility lines, potentially leading to extended power outages. To prepare: 

  • Stock up on essentials: Have flashlights, batteries, portable chargers, and blankets ready in case the lights go out. 

  • Keep extra supplies: If safe to do so, store a few days' worth of food and water, especially in rural areas where utility restoration may be delayed. 

  • Stay informed: Monitor local weather updates through official channels. Follow any advisories from the National Weather Service or your local emergency management office. 

What to Do if a Power Line Falls 

A downed power line is extremely dangerous. If you see or suspect a live wire has fallen on your property, car, or near your home: 

  • Stay away and call for help: Immediately call 911 and report the downed line. Then contact your local utility provider. Do not approach or attempt to move the line. Even if it appears inactive, it could still be energized. 

  • If a power line falls on your car: Stay inside your vehicle. Do not step out unless there is an urgent threat like a fire. If you must exit (e.g., due to fire), open the door carefully, jump out without touching the car and the ground at the same time, then land with your feet together. Shuffle or hop away, keeping both feet close together to minimize electrical risk. 

  • Keep others clear: Alert neighbors and passersby to the hazard. Set up a safe perimeter, if possible, to prevent anyone from accidentally coming into contact with the live wire. 

General Safety Tips 

  • Use caution around trees: Weakened limbs can break at any moment--keep an eye on overhead branches and fallen debris. 

  • Dress in layers: Winter conditions can change quickly, and frostbite can occur if you're not properly protected from the cold. 

  • Only travel when necessary: If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution and be prepared for sudden changes in visibility. Leave plenty of room between you and the motorist ahead of you and allow extra time to reach your destination. Check road conditions before driving and let someone know your route if you must travel. 

Stay safe, everyone! By keeping these precautions in mind--avoiding falling branches, staying prepared for power outages, and knowing what to do if a power line falls--you can help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community during Oregon's challenging winter conditions. 


Additional Resources: 

Media Line: 503-934-3310 Or OEM_PublicInfo@oem.oregon.gov

Attached Media Files: 3 2.png

State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation to Meet February 20-21, 2025, in Salem
Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept. - 02/05/25 4:10 PM

Salem, Ore. -- The State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP) will meet on February 20 and 21 at the State Library of Oregon (250 Winter St NE) in Salem to consider nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. The SACHP meeting is hybrid and open to the public.

The meeting agenda includes guided tours, presentations, and hearings for five proposed nominations and one proposed Multiple Property Documentation (MPD) form. The guided tours are scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at 1:00 p.m., and the business meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 21. Anyone may attend the business meeting in person or electronically; instructions for how to attend electronically are posted on the commission web page: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx (look under "State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation" and "Upcoming Meetings and Agendas"). Registration is required to speak at the meeting.

On Friday, February 21, the committee will complete a courtesy review of a proposed nomination for the Salem Substation in Polk County at 11:30am. Beginning at 1:00pm, the committee will then review a proposed nomination for the Owyhee Grocery in Nyssa, Malheur County; a proposed nomination for the Mingus Park Community Building in Coos Bay, Coos County; a proposed MPD for Oregon Country Methodist Mission Sites: 1834-1847; a proposed nomination for the Mill Place House Site in Salem, Marion County; and a proposed nomination for the Port Orford City Jail in Port Orford, Curry County. For other agenda items, please refer to the online agenda: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx (look under "State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation" and "Upcoming Meetings and Agendas").

The SACHP is a nine-member governor-appointed citizen commission with credentials in many historic preservation-related fields. Nominations recommended by the SACHP go to the National Park Service, which maintains the National Register of Historic Places under the authority of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

This effort aligns with the Oregon Historic Preservation Plan goal to increase the thematic diversity of Oregon properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. It also supports the goals to include more voices and increase access to Oregon heritage that are part of the Oregon Heritage Plan.

The meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. Special accommodations may be made with at least three days of advance notice by calling (503) 986-0690.

More information about the National Register of Historic Places process is online at www.oregonheritage.org.

Ian Johnson, Associate Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
971-718-1137 | Ian.johnson@oprd.oregon.gov

Semi-Truck Driver Guilty of Seven Counts of Manslaughter in Deadly I-5 Crash
Marion Co. Dist. Attorney's Office - 02/05/25 4:08 PM

A Marion County jury found the defendant, California resident Lincoln Smith (54 years), guilty of seven counts of Manslaughter in the Second Degree for recklessly causing the deaths of seven people, and guilty of three counts of Assault in the Third Degree for recklessly causing serious physical injury to three other people, resulting from a crash he caused on I-5 on May 18, 2023. The jury also returned a guilty verdict on one count of Reckless Driving and a not guilty verdict on one count of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants.


The defendant was driving a semitruck on I-5 north of Albany and south of Salem when he went off the road and crashed into a passenger van and another semitruck that were parked along the shoulder of the highway. The passenger van contained 10 people at the time of the crash who were returning home from work and an additional person was outside of the vehicle at the time of the collision.


The deceased victims are:  

Juan Carlos Leyva-Carrillo

Gabriel Juarez-Tovilla

Alejandra Espinoza-Carpio

Eduardo Lopez-Lopez

Luis Enrique Gomez-Reyes

Alejandro Jimenez Hernandez

Josue Garcia-Garcia


The injured victims are: 

Jose Eduardo Solis-Flores

Maria Flores-Martinez

Ibis Torres Rangel


The defendant admitted to using methamphetamine and cocaine the night before the crash and tested positive for cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. In addition, his semitruck contained a bag of 16.6 grams of methamphetamine and various drug paraphernalia, including hypodermic needles and a small scale.


The case, prosecuted by Marion County Deputy District Attorneys David Wilson and Jessica Spooner before the Honorable Dan Wren, began Monday, January 27th.  Jurors heard testimony from witnesses over a five-day period spanning from Tuesday, January 28th through Monday, February 3rd. The case concluded on Wednesday, February 4th when jurors heard closing arguments and began deliberations.


The jury deliberated for approximately nine and a half hours before returning a verdict the afternoon of Wednesday, February 5th.


The defendant remains in custody at the Marion County Jail. 


Sentencing has yet to be scheduled before Judge Wren.


Manslaughter in the Second Degree is a Class B Felony and carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 75 months in prison for each count.  Assault 3 is a Class C Felony and carries a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison for each count.  The court will determine whether those sentences should run consecutively, but that is legally allowable under Oregon law for separate victims. Reckless Driving is a Class A Misdemeanor and carries a maximum sentence of 364 days in jail. 


The Marion County District Attorney's Office wishes to thank the Oregon State Police for their thorough and professional investigation of this tragedy.  



Brendan Murphy, Chief Deputy District Attorney (PIO)

Benton County Launches Deflection Program (Photo)
Benton Co. Government - 02/05/25 3:21 PM
Benton County Deflection Program
Benton County Deflection Program

Español a continuaciĂłn  


CORVALLIS, Ore. -- Benton County launched its Deflection Program one day ahead of the planned start date, when the first person in Benton County was offered deflection on Dec. 31, 2024. The new program provides treatment and support services as an option to the court system for qualifying County residents cited for drug possession. 


Benton County's Behavioral Health Deflection Program is designed to align with the Oregon Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Program, set up by House Bill (HB) 4002. HB 4002 awards grants to counties and tribes to fund deflection programs. According to the bill, a deflection program is a "collaborative program between law enforcement agencies and behavioral health entities... to create community-based pathways to treatment, recovery support services, housing, case management or other services." 


How Deflection Works 

  1. When a person in Benton County is cited by law enforcement for drug possession, the District Attorney's Office finds out if they qualify for the Deflection Program. 

  1. The District Attorney's Office sends the contact details for the person to the Deflection Coordinator, who contacts the person, explains the program, and makes an offer.  

  1. The person can choose to enter the Deflection Program in place of a criminal case, which might include arrest, conviction, and fines or jail time. 

  1. If the person agrees to participate in the Deflection Program, they are assigned a Peer Mentor. The Peer Mentor sets up an appointment for intake and screening. 

  1. The Deflection Team creates a case management plan, which includes community-based treatment and other services addressing substance use and mental health disorders. Plans are person-centered and follow best practices to address their needs and increase readiness for treatment. 

  1. The person is referred to a treatment provider for assessment and treatment. 

  1. To meet the requirements of the Deflection Program, the person must be actively engaged in treatment for a period of 60 continuous days.  

  1. Upon successful completion of the program, the court dismisses the case.


Collaborative and Community-Centered


Planning for Benton County's Deflection Program began in May 2024, bringing in law enforcement, the District Attorney's Office, and social and behavioral health services.


"I appreciate the hard work of the team of professionals who have collaborated to create a program to support individuals wanting to take the first steps toward making a significant life change," says Benton County District Attorney Ryan Joslin.  


Deflection Program Coordinator Leanna Linville joined the team in December 2024. Linville brings key knowledge from her work in Marion County, where she served in a similar role. "Through this program, we hope to empower people with substance use disorder by improving access to treatment and creating different pathways for them."


Deflection isn't just a chance to get people into treatment without delay -- it also provides community supports increasing positive outcomes.


"It is an opportunity for those wanting to pursue treatment voluntarily to obtain it without the delays normally associated with the standard criminal prosecution approach," says Joslin. "In addition to substance abuse treatment, the individual will be offered other harm reduction services to better set them up for success in their treatment journey."   


House Bill 4002 provides one-time funding for the Deflection Program through June 30, 2025. Similar legislation will be a key part of Oregon's 2025 legislative session, which began on January 21, to ensure these programs remain viable going forward. 




Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or pioinfo@bentoncountyor.gov.






El Programa de Salud de la Conducta del Condado de Benton lanza un Programa de DesviaciĂłn del sistema legal 


CORVALLIS, OregĂłn -- El Programa de Salud de la Conducta del Condado de Benton lanzĂł su programa de desviaciĂłn del sistema legal un dĂ­a antes de la fecha de inicio planificada, cuando se le ofreciĂł este beneficio a la primera persona del Condado de Benton el 31 de diciembre de 2024. El nuevo programa ofrece servicios de tratamiento y apoyo como una alternativa al sistema judicial para los habitantes del condado que califiquen y que hayan sido citados por posesiĂłn de drogas. 


El Programa de DesviaciĂłn del sistema legal por parte del Depto. de Salud del Condado de Benton está diseñado de acuerdo con el Programa de Fondos de DesviaciĂłn de OregĂłn, establecido por el Proyecto de ley de la Cámara de Representantes (HB) 4002.  Los fondos de HB 4002 a los condados y tribus son para financiar programas de desviaciĂłn antes del juicio. SegĂşn la ley, un programa de desviaciĂłn es un "programa colaborativo entre las agencias que aplican la ley y las organizaciones de salud de la conducta... para crear vĂ­as comunitarias para recibir tratamiento, servicios de apoyo para la recuperaciĂłn, vivienda, apoyo de trabajadores sociales y otros servicios". 


CĂłmo funciona el Programa de DesviaciĂłn del sistema legal 

  1. Cuando una persona del Condado de Benton es multada por la policĂ­a por posesiĂłn de drogas, la FiscalĂ­a del Distrito investiga si califica para el Programa de DesviaciĂłn. 

  1. La FiscalĂ­a del Distrito envĂ­a los datos de contacto de la persona acusada al coordinador de DesviaciĂłn, quien se comunica con la persona, le explica el programa y le hace una oferta. 

  1. La persona puede escoger en participar en el Programa de DesviaciĂłn en lugar de un caso penal, que puede incluir arresto, condena y multas o tiempo en prisiĂłn. 

  1. Si la persona acepta participar en el Programa de DesviaciĂłn, se le asigna un mentor. El mentor programa una cita para registrarlo y para hacerle una evaluaciĂłn. 

  1. El equipo del Programa de DesviaciĂłn hace un plan, que incluye tratamiento basado en la comunidad y otros servicios que abordan el desordenes del consumo de sustancias y de salud mental. Los planes están centrados en la persona y siguen las mejores prácticas para sus necesidades especĂ­ficas y para aumentar la preparaciĂłn para el tratamiento. 

  1. La persona es referida con un proveedor de tratamiento para su evaluaciĂłn y tratamiento. 

  1. Para cumplir con los requisitos del Programa de DesviaciĂłn, la persona debe participar activamente en el tratamiento durante un perĂ­odo de 60 dĂ­as continuos. 

  1. Una vez completado con Ă©xito el programa, la corte/sistema legal retira el caso. 


Colaborativo y Enfocado en la Comunidad 


La planificaciĂłn del Programa de DesviaciĂłn del Condado de Benton comenzĂł en mayo de 2024, con la participaciĂłn de las agencias que aplican la ley, la FiscalĂ­a del Distrito y los servicios de salud social y de la conducta. 


"Agradezco el gran trabajo del equipo de profesionales que han colaborado para crear un programa para apoyar a las personas que desean dar los primeros pasos para lograr un cambio de vida significativo", dice el fiscal del distrito del Condado de Benton, Ryan Joslin. 


La Coordinadora del Programa de DesviaciĂłn, Leanna Linville, se uniĂł al equipo en diciembre de 2024. Linville aporta conocimientos importantes de su trabajo previo con el Condado de Marion, donde desempeñó un papel similar. "A travĂ©s de este programa, esperamos empoderar a las personas con desorden por consumo de sustancias mejorando el acceso al tratamiento y creando diferentes vĂ­as para esas personas". 


La DesviaciĂłn no es solo una oportunidad para que las personas inicien el tratamiento sin retraso, sino que tambiĂ©n brinda apoyo comunitario que aumenta los resultados positivos. 


"Es una oportunidad para aquellos que quieran buscar tratamiento de forma voluntaria lo obtengan sin las demoras normalmente asociadas con el enfoque de procesamiento penal estándar", dice Joslin. "Además del tratamiento por abuso de sustancias, se le ofrecerán a la persona otros servicios de reducciĂłn de daños para prepararla mejor para el Ă©xito en su proceso de tratamiento". 


El Proyecto de Ley 4002 de la Cámara de Representantes ofrece fondos Ăşnicos para el Programa de DesviaciĂłn hasta el 30 de junio de 2025. Una legislaciĂłn similar será una parte clave de la sesiĂłn legislativa de 2025 de OregĂłn, que comenzĂł el 21 de enero, para garantizar que estos programas sigan siendo viables en el futuro. 




El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acciĂłn afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisiĂłn o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contrataciĂłn y práticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. ComunĂ­quese con la Oficina de InformaciĂłn PĂşblica al 541-766-6800 o pioinfo@bentoncountyor.gov

Public Information Office

Attached Media Files: Benton County Deflection Program

Fatal Crash -- Highway 97 -- Klamath County
Oregon State Police - 02/05/25 2:43 PM

KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. Feb. 5, 2025 -- On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Oregon State Police responded to a two-vehicle crash on Highway 97 near milepost 249 in Klamath County.


The preliminary investigation indicated that a green Ford Expedition, operated by Wyonna Elaine Weiser (38) of Chiloquin, was traveling southbound on Hwy. 97 when it slid sideways into the northbound lane, striking a white Ford F-350 towing a horse trailer operated by Franklin Scott Maricle (31) of Bend. During the crash, the F-350 struck the Expedition on the side. The Expedition came to rest in the northbound ditch and the F-350 came to rest blocking most of the highway.


Two of the Expedition's passengers, Winnie Mae Hescock (41) of Klamath Falls and Laurice Lee Foster (41) of Chiloquin, were pronounced deceased at the scene.  


The operator (Weiser) of the Expedition was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries.


A passenger, Wauseka Brown Jr. (56) of Chiloquin, of the Expedition was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries.


The operator (Franklin Maricle) of the F-350 was not injured.


Passengers Scott Nile Maricle (58) of Bend and Janelle Marci Maricle (32) of Bend of the F-350 were not injured.


Two male juvenile passengers, 21 months and 13 months, of the F-350 were not injured.


The highway was impacted for approximately one hour during the on-scene investigation. The cause of the crash remains under investigation.


OSP was assisted by Chiloquin Fire and Rescue and the Oregon Department of Transportation.

# # #

About the Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) 
The Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) is a specialized unit responsible for investigating fatal and critical injury collisions on Oregon's highways. The team provides expertise in the documentation, investigation, and analysis of complex motor vehicle crashes and crime scenes. They receive specialized training in the use of advanced measuring techniques and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for on-scene investigations. The CRU team includes ACTAR-accredited collision reconstructionists, and technical collision investigators deployed across the state.

Oregon State Police
Public Information Officer

Fatal Crash -- Highway 26 -- Clackamas County
Oregon State Police - 02/05/25 2:40 PM

CLACKAMAS COUNTY, Ore. Feb. 5, 2025 -- On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Oregon State Police responded to a three-vehicle crash on Highway 26 at Haley Road in Clackamas County.


The preliminary investigation indicated a silver GMC Envoy, operated by Richard Allan Kerron (79) of Boring, was traveling southbound on Haley Road when it began to enter the intersection of Hwy. 26. The GMC drove in front of a gold Toyota Camry, operated by Derek Lorenz (33) of Sandy, heading eastbound on Hwy. 26. The GMC and Toyota Camry collided, causing the GMC to turn on its top and crash into a gold Toyota Solara operated by Austin Christopher Moore (19) of Salem.

The operator of the GMC (Kerron) was pronounced deceased at the scene.


A passenger, Erlita Jean Kerron (82) of Boring, of the GMC was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries.


The operator of the Toyota Camry (Lorenz) was not injured.


The operator Toyota Solara (Moore) was not injured.


The highway was impacted for approximately four hours during the on-scene investigation.

OSP was assisted by the Sandy Fire Department, Clackamas County Medical Examiner, and the Oregon Department of Transportation.

# # #

About the Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) 
The Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) is a specialized unit responsible for investigating fatal and critical injury collisions on Oregon's highways. The team provides expertise in the documentation, investigation, and analysis of complex motor vehicle crashes and crime scenes. They receive specialized training in the use of advanced measuring techniques and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for on-scene investigations. The CRU team includes ACTAR-accredited collision reconstructionists, and technical collision investigators deployed across the state.

Oregon State Police
Public Information Officer

Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board Will Meet Feb. 12
State of Oregon - 02/05/25 1:06 PM

Salem, OR - The Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board (EPAB) will meet at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025. The meeting will take place remotely via the internet on Microsoft Teams and is open to the public. The agenda and handouts will be posted on the advisory board's website.

  • What: Meeting of the Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board  

  • When: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 3:00 pm -- 4:30 pm

  • Where: Microsoft Teams (Join the meeting online

    • Call: 1-503-446-4951 | Conference ID: 405 380 715#

  • Who: Members of the Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board 

The Legislature established the advisory board with enactment of ORS 276A.270-276. The board will advise the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) on key decisions and strategic choices about how the State CIO manages and operates the state's web portal services.


The Oregon.gov portal is the connection point for citizens to access state agency services and information on the internet. The board provides oversight to specific websites, services and online payments where agencies choose to utilize the State CIO's E-Government program as their service provider.


With the board's advice, the State CIO wants to make the Oregon web portal services and their operation as effective as they can be for Oregonians to interact with state government.  

Andrea Chiapella
DAS Communications Director

Driver in hit-and-run fatality surrenders to authorities -- UPDATE 3
Salem Police Dept. - 02/05/25 12:37 PM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 5, 2025

CONTACT: Salem Police Communications Office | spdmedia@cityofsalem.net





Driver in hit-and-run fatality surrenders to authorities

Update 02/05/2025 | 1230


Micah Lee Blacksmith, age 34 of Salem, turned herself in to the Polk County Jail on Tuesday, February 4. Blacksmith was the driver involved in a collision with pedestrian, Steven Craig Bishop, on December 23, 2024, in west Salem. Bishop died at the scene.


Blacksmith was taken into custody on the charge of failure to perform the duties of a driver to injured person.


The Polk County District Attorney's Office is handling the case, and all media inquiries should be directed to that agency.


# # #


Overnight death investigation in west Salem

Investigation determined a hit-and-run fatality


Update 12/30/2024 | 0830

The preliminary investigation done by the Traffic Team determined the man found in the roadway on the evening of December 23 was struck by a vehicle that left the scene. The victim, identified as Steven Craig Bishop, was pronounced deceased by responding paramedics.


The hit-and-run fatality occurred on Murlark AV just north of Edgewater ST NW at about 8:30 p.m.


Video surveillance near the area where Bishop was found shows a passing motorist minutes before the call to police was received. In the recording, a white vehicle is seen traveling eastbound on Edgewater ST NW as it approaches Murlark AV NW. The vehicle appears to be a Jeep Grand Cherokee, possibly a 2015 or 2016 model year.


Investigators ask for the public's help in finding this vehicle of interest.


If you are the driver, know the person driving in the video, or if you have information about the case, please call the Traffic Team investigators at 503-588-8477.


# # #


Video URL: https://salempd.info/case-24111545



Originally published 12/24/2024 | 1200

Overnight death investigation in west Salem

Salem, Ore. -- At approximately 8:30 p.m. Monday evening, December 23, Salem Police officers responded to the call of an injured man found in the roadway in the area of Murlark AV and Edgewater ST NW.


The man, age 63, was pronounced deceased at the scene by paramedics. The name of the victim is being withheld pending notification to the family.


The Salem Police Traffic Team is investigating the incident as a possible hit-and-run. Anyone who may have information related to this investigation is encouraged to call the Salem Police Tips Line at 503??'588??'8477.


The intersection was closed for three-and-a-half hours for the scene investigation.


No further information is available for release at this time.

# # #

Salem Police Communications Office

Missing child alert – Jaden Robertson is missing and is believed to be in danger (Photo)
Oregon Dept. of Human Services - 02/05/25 12:12 PM
Jaden Robertson.jpg
Jaden Robertson.jpg

Correction: This alert has been updated to accuratly report the law enforcement case number. 


(Salem) -- The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), Child Welfare Division, asks the public to help find Jaden Robertson, age 17, a child in foster care who went missing from Salem on Jan. 30. She is believed to be in danger.


ODHS asks the public for help in the effort to find Jaden and to contact 911 or local law enforcement if they believe they see her.


Jaden was last seen in Salem, it is possible that she is at an unhoused shelter in the Salem area.


Name: Jaden Lynne Robertson
Pronouns: She/her
Date of birth: Nov. 8, 2007
Height: 5-foot-3
Weight: 146 pounds
Hair: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Other identifying information: Jaden was last seen wearing black leggings and shirt with a red, white and navy varsity jacket. She has a pierced nose.
Marion County Sheriff's Office Case #25-5143
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children #2042396


Sometimes when a child is missing they may be in significant danger and ODHS may need to locate them to assess and support their safety. As ODHS works to do everything it can to find these missing children and assess their safety, media alerts will be issued in some circumstances when it is determined necessary. Sometimes, in these situations, a child may go missing repeatedly, resulting in more than one media alert for the same child.


Report child abuse to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline by calling 1-855-503-SAFE (7233).  This toll-free number allows you to report abuse of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year.


Jake Sunderland, Jake.Sunderland@odhs.oregon.gov

Attached Media Files: Jaden Robertson.jpg

Yachats Lions Vision Screening on February 18, 2025
Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation - 02/05/25 11:36 AM

In partnership with the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation's (OLSHF) SVS program the Yachats Lions will be offering Vision Screening for our Home School children in South Lincoln County as well as those attending the YYFAP preschool. The screening will occur at the Lions Hall from 9am to 4pm on Tuesday, February 18th and is available for ages 3 to 18. It is also open to anyone other child that might have missed the screening at their public, private, or charter school.


Please visit https://yachatslionsclub.org/2025-yachats-lions-vision-screening-feb-18th/ for more info about this event and the Yachats Lions.


At the time of the screening parents will be provided a handout with the results of the screening and some information on next steps. Unlike our statewide SVS program, where we are often reimbursed by the state, this screening will be funded by the Lions and OLSHF.


We hope to see many children and their families and are looking forward to making this an annual event. There is no need to contact us in advance.


Established in 1950, the Yachats Lions Club serves Yachats and South Lincoln County. With our
motto of "WE SERVE" we provide service for eyeglasses and exams, hearing aids and exams,
eye screening in Lincoln County schools, pancake breakfasts, crab feed, lunch bunch, speaker
series, peace poster and flag day events in our schools, and community use of our clubhouse.
Through community donations to the Yachats Lions Thrift Store our sales allow us to donate to
local, student scholarships, food pantries, school programs, projects, and upkeep of the
clubhouse. In addition, donations are made to Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing as well as Lions
Club International Foundation.

Lions Club International is the world's largest service club organization with a network of 1.4
million men and women in more than 200 countries and geographical locations. We serve
where we live, as well as globally, and we have fun doing it.


Lion David OKelley
President Yachats Lions, Dokelley@msn.com

State Land Board to meet February 11 in Salem
Oregon Dept. of State Lands - 02/05/25 10:22 AM

Agenda items include a potential Hayden Island land sale, rulemaking to protect rocky habitats on the coast, and board appointments for the Elliott State Research Forest


SALEM, Ore. -- The State Land Board will meet on Tuesday, February 11 at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of State Lands building in Salem.


Agenda items the Land Board will consider include:

  • Begin due diligence for a potential land sale on the western side of Hayden Island.
    On behalf of the Interstate Bridge Group, the Oregon Department of Transportation has applied to purchase 65 acres of filled lands on Hayden Island. Currently undeveloped open space, the applicant is seeking to maintain these lands in a natural state in perpetuity to offset impacts related to construction of the I-5 bridge. Due diligence begins research on a potential land sale and includes opening a public comment period.

  • Adopt amended rules to formally incorporate new rocky habitat designations identified in Part III of Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan.
    After a three-year public review process, this updated plan was adopted in 2023. Administrative rules governing marine reserves and marine protected areas need to be updated to include these new rocky habitat areas.

  • Appoint Kaitlin Lovell of Colton as a voting member of the Elliott State Research Forest Board of Directors.
    The Elliott's Board of Directors guides management of the research forest, ensuring public oversight, accountability, and engagement. This action fills the remaining term of a vacant seat on the board and clarifies board term end dates.

The Land Board will also discuss the upcoming recruitment process for the Department's Director, as well as hear updates on the 2024 Common School Fund audit and an annual report on the Department's Real Property Program.


Meeting Details and Agenda

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.

Department of State Lands

Land Board Room

775 Summer St. NE, Salem


The full meeting agenda and materials are available on the DSL website. The meeting will be livestreamed to the DSL YouTube channel.

The public may submit written testimony or sign up to provide spoken testimony (in person, by video, or phone) during the meeting. Advanced sign-up is required, and the deadline is 10 a.m. on Monday, February 10.


If you need assistance to participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact Arin Smith at 503-986-5224 or in.n.smith@dsl.oregon.gov">arin.n.smith@dsl.oregon.gov at least two working days prior to the meeting.


Visitors are not permitted to bring backpacks, bags, or large purses into the Department of State Lands building prior to, during, or following Land Board meetings. Purses, medical bags, and diaper bags are permitted, but may be subject to inspection by the Oregon State Police.


About the State Land Board and the Department of State Lands: The State Land Board consists of Governor Tina Kotek, Secretary of State Tobias Read, and State Treasurer Elizabeth Steiner. Established by the Oregon Constitution in 1859, the Land Board oversees the state's Common School Fund. The Department of State Lands is the Land Board's administrative agency, managing the lands and resources that help fund Oregon's public schools and protecting the state's waterways and wetlands for the many benefits they provide.





Ali Ryan Hansen, DSL Communications Director
503-510-6860 (cell)

February is Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness Month in Oregon
Oregon Dept. of Emerg. Management - 02/05/25 10:19 AM

SALEM, OR -- Governor Tina Kotek has proclaimed February Tsunami and Earthquake Awareness Month in Oregon. 

In the past, Oregon has suffered considerable damage from moderate earthquake events--such as the 1993 Scotts Mills and Klamath Falls earthquakes--and from a deadly tsunami that originated in Alaska in 1964. 


Scientific evidence indicates that the State of Oregon is at risk for a much larger event associated with the Cascadia Subduction Zone that is expected to generate strong ground shaking and a destructive tsunami, similar to the event that occurred in Northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.  


Loss of life and property is minimized by natural hazard mitigation planning and grant funding at the state, Tribal, and local levels, which reduce the impact of disasters through risk assessment and mitigation actions--such as seismic strengthening of existing buildings and public education on local tsunami evacuation routes. 


As a result, the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM), within its role as chair of the Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team (IHMT), will be working with IHMT member agencies, federal partners, local jurisdictions, and neighboring states to highlight jurisdictional earthquake and tsunami mitigation strategies and provide education and information about individual preparedness for Oregon residents and visitors throughout the month of February and beyond. 


Watch our social media channels and website for preparedness tips and upcoming dates for the Tsunami Preparedness Roadshow that will be traveling to numerous coastal communities February 27 through 28. 

Media Line: 503-934-3310 Or OEM_PublicInfo@oem.oregon.gov

Aumsville man dies in single-vehicle crash in Marion County. (Photo)
Marion Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/05/25 10:06 AM
Media Release.png
Media Release.png

This morning, February 5th, 2025, at approximately 5:15 AM, the Marion County Sheriff's Office responded to a single-vehicle crash near the 10600 Block of Mill Creek Rd SE, just outside of Aumsville.


First responders arrived to find the vehicle crashed into a power pole. Tragically, the driver and only occupant was pronounced deceased. He was identified as Nathan Allen, 23, of Aumsville. Our condolences go out to his family during this difficult time.


The roadway was closed for several hours for the investigation, and it does not appear alcohol was a factor in the crash. The roadway is now open, but there could be intermittent traffic delays with PGE completing their work.


Thank you to the following agencies that assisted in this case: The Marion County CRASH Team, Marion County UAS, Aumsville Fire Department, Marion County Medical Examiner's Office, Marion County Public Works, METCOM 911, and the Willamette Valley Communications Center.

Primary PIO Phone: 503. 584. MCSO (6276)
Public Information Officer Sergeant Jeremy Schwab
Cell Phone: 503-930-6294
Email: MCSOPIO@co.marion.or.us
On Twitter: @MCSOInTheKnow
Instagram: Mcsointheknow

Attached Media Files: Media Release.png

DPSST Fire Policy Committee Meeting Scheduled 2-26-2025
Ore. Dept. of Public Safety Standards and Training - 02/05/25 8:38 AM





Notice of Regular Meeting

The Fire Policy Committee (FPC) of the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training (Board) will hold a regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. February 26th, 2025, in the Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at thea regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. February 26th, 2025, in the Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST or Department) located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For more information, please contact Madison Hockett at (971) 433-7899.

The Fire Policy Committee meeting will be live streamed on the DPSST YouTube page @


1. Introductions


2. Approval of Minutes of February 26th, 2025 Meeting


3. Discretionary Case Review Quick Sheet
    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


4. Jesse McFarland; DPSST No. 44129
    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


5. John Cota; DPSST No. 44136
    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


6. Rhett Sunia; DPSST No. 41600 

    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


7. Proposed Rule Changes for OAR 259-009-0005, OAR 259-009-0062, and OAR 259-009-0065

    Presented by Jennifer Howald


8. Firefighter Benjamin Charles Sapper -- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial Wall Nomination
    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


9. Retired Captain Larry D. Dean (DPSST #26630) -- City of Salem Fire Department, Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial Wall Nomination
    Presented by Brooke Bell-Uribe


10. Agency Updates


11. Next Fire Policy Committee Meeting- May 28th, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.


Administrative Announcement

This is a public meeting, subject to the public meeting law and it will be recorded. Deliberation of issues will only be conducted by Fire Policy Committee members unless permitted by the Chair. Individuals who engage in disruptive behavior that impedes official business will be asked to stop being disruptive or leave the meeting. Additional measures may be taken to have disruptive individuals removed if their continued presence poses a safety risk to the other persons in the room or makes it impossible to continue the meeting.

Madison Hockett, Fire Program Support Specialist
Department Of Public Safety Standards And Training
Phone: 971-433-7899
E-Mail: Madison.hockett@dpsst.oregon.gov

Bets “For the Swifties” Return with Super Bowl (Photo)
Oregon Lottery - 02/05/25 8:31 AM
A variety of fun, Super Bowl wagers are now available through the Oregon Lottery’s DraftKings Sportsbook.
A variety of fun, Super Bowl wagers are now available through the Oregon Lottery’s DraftKings Sportsbook.

Salem, Ore. -- Taylor Swift and football fans have something in common again: A variety of fun, Super Bowl wagers are now available through the Oregon Lottery's DraftKings Sportsbook.


For this year's match up of the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, DraftKings Sportsbook is once again offering themed bets based on Taylor Swift songs. "Shake It Off" allows you to bet on the Eagles scoring first and the Chiefs taking home the win. The "DĂ©jĂ  vu" wager has the Chiefs winning by exactly three points. For "Wildest Dreams," Travis Kelce will score the first and last touchdowns of the game.


Oregon Lottery debuted sports betting in October 2019 and has seen more than $2.6 billion wagered since its launch. Oregon Lottery's Sports Betting Products Manager Kerry Hemphill is looking forward to another Super Bowl influenced by the "Taylor effect."


"The combination of celebrities, funny commercials, and of course, big plays at this event help generate the most interest in sports betting we see all year," said Hemphill. "The Super Bowl also attracts more casual sports betters who want to take advantage of the fun wagers offered."


"Prop bets" are a Super Bowl betting option that fall outside of traditional game plays. This year, prop bets range from who wins the coin toss to the color of the Gatorade dumped on the winning coach. A few other examples offered this year include:

  • Will any player break the Super Bowl pass yards record?
  • Which team will be leading at halftime?  
  • Who will be the game's MVP?

During last year's Super Bowl, Oregon players placed 382,000 bets through DraftKings Sportsbook, with wagers totaling $6.9 million, up by more than $1.5 million from the previous year. The player with the biggest win of the day in 2024 placed a $20,000 bet on the Chiefs to win, at just over even money, and won $20,400.


You must be 21 years or older to place a sports wager in Oregon. Oregon Lottery reminds players to utilize the safer play features within the DraftKings app, such as setting wager limits or cool off periods. For more information on making changes to your gambling and other helpful resources visit Oregon Problem Gambling Resource at opgr.org or call 1-877-MYLIMIT to chat or text with a certified counselor. Help is free, confidential and it works.


To play Oregon Lottery's DraftKings Sportsbook or for more detail about wagers offered during the game, go to https://www.oregonlottery.org/sports/.


Since the Oregon Lottery began selling tickets on April 25, 1985, it has earned nearly $16.5 billion for economic development, public education, outdoor school, state parks, veteran services, and watershed enhancements. For more information on the Oregon Lottery visit www.oregonlottery.org.


Melanie Mesaros
Oregon Lottery

Attached Media Files: A variety of fun, Super Bowl wagers are now available through the Oregon Lottery’s DraftKings Sportsbook.

Tue. 02/04/25
Oregon Nurses Association Reaches Tentative Agreement with Providence Oregon Following Intensive Mediation
Oregon Nurses Assn. - 02/04/25 10:22 PM

(Portland, Ore.) - After seven days of intensive mediation, initiated at the request of Oregon Governor Tina Kotek, and after 26 days on strike (and counting), the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) today reached a tentative agreement with Providence Oregon at the 8 registered nurse (RN) bargaining units currently on strike. Those units include Providence St. Vincent, Providence Portland Medical Center, Providence Medford Medical Center, Providence Newberg, Providence Willamette Falls, Providence Milwaukie, Providence Hood River and Providence Seaside. (The hospitalists at St. Vincent Medical Center remain on strike and in negotiations.)


Broadly speaking, key provisions of the agreement include:

  • Annual Step Increases & New Step 30: In 2026, nurses will receive annual step increases with a new Step 30 and additional fill-in steps added across all bargaining units. 
  • Wage Increases: Across-the-board increases over the life of the contract and increases for members upon ratification.  
  • Ratification Bonus: We were not able to achieve full retroactive pay. Instead, a portion of retro pay will be distributed as a bonus based on hours worked since contract expiration. 
  • No Changes to Contract Expiration Dates: We were not able to achieve contract alignments. Current contract expiration dates will remain unchanged across all Providence Oregon facilities. 
  • Break & Meal Penalty Pay: Nurses will automatically receive one hour of penalty pay for each missed break or lunch. 
  • Statewide Health Benefits Workgroup: A workgroup will be established to evaluate and make recommendations on health benefits and the feasibility of a statewide health benefits trust. 
  • Aetna Health Care Customer Service: A dedicated Aetna customer service team will be available for members to assist in navigating changes to employer-provided health insurance. 
  • Staffing: Contract language memorializing Oregon's new staffing law and other hospital-specific benefits.  

Ratification votes will open on Thursday, February 6 at 8 a.m. and close on Friday, February 7 at 4 p.m. (Note: Due to inclement weather, ratification vote times for Providence Medford will be Thursday, February 6 from 8 a.m. and closing Saturday, February 8 at 4 p.m.)


Nurses will remain on strike during the vote and will return to work if tentative agreements are ratified.


Note: ONA will not provide further comment until after the vote closes.  

The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) Represents A Diverse Community Of More Than 21,000 Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Throughout Oregon. Together, We Use Our Collective Power To Advocate For Critical Issues Impacting Patients, Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Including A More Effective, Affordable And Accessible Healthcare System; Better Working Conditions For All Health Care Professionals; And Healthier Communities. For More Information Visit Www.OregonRN.org.

Scott Palmer, Palmer@OregonRN.org, 503-516-4840
Peter Starzynski, Starzynski@OregonRN.org, 503-960-7989

Oregon State Penitentiary reports in-custody death (Photo)
Oregon Dept. of Corrections - 02/04/25 4:49 PM
Michael Cooper
Michael Cooper

An Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) adult in custody, Michael Cooper, died February 4, 2025. Cooper was incarcerated at Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP) in Salem and passed away at a local hospital. As with all in-custody deaths, the Oregon State Police have been notified, and the State Medical Examiner will determine cause of death.


Cooper entered DOC custody on December 12, 1989, from Multnomah County with a projected release date of September 20, 2025. Cooper was 75 years old. Next of kin has been notified.


DOC takes all in-custody deaths seriously. The agency is responsible for the care and custody of approximately 12,000 men and women who are incarcerated in 12 institutions across the state. While crime information is public record, DOC elects to disclose only upon request out of respect for any family or victims.


OSP is a multi-custody prison located in Salem that houses approximately 2,000 adults in custody. OSP is surrounded by a 25-foot-high wall with 10 towers. The facility has multiple special housing units including disciplinary segregation, behavioral health, intermediate care housing, and an infirmary (with hospice) with 24-hour nursing care. OSP participates in prison industries with Oregon Corrections Enterprises including the furniture factory, laundry, metal shop, and contact center. It provides a range of correctional programs and services including education, work-based education, work crews, and pre-release services. OSP was established in 1866 and, until 1959, was Oregon's only prison.



Betty Bernt, 971-719-3521, Betty.A.Bernt@doc.oregon.gov
Amber Campbell, 458-224-4390, Amber.R.Campbell@doc.oregon.gov

Attached Media Files: Michael Cooper

DA Update on Detective Gap in Services
Lincoln Co. District Attorney's Office - 02/04/25 4:38 PM

Jenna Wallace was appointed by Governor Kotek on June 21, 2024, as Lincoln County's District Attorney. At that time, the District Attorney's criminal division had 1 deputy district attorney and 8 vacancies. Since DA Wallace's appointment, 6 additional attorneys have started employment with the District Attorney's Office.


Lincoln County's crime statistics are staggering. In 2024, the District Attorney's Office filed 6,977 criminal charges with a 16% increase in weapon offenses, 53% increase in drug crimes, and 8% increase in wildlife offenses. The District Attorney's Office filed 759 person-on-person crimes; 98 of which involved a weapon.


In the first 35 days of 2025, the District Attorney's Office filed 645 criminal charges, a 17% increase from the prior year. In 2025, the District Attorney's Office has seen a 33% increase in person-on-person crimes, 22% increase in traffic crimes, 16% increase in DUII crimes and a 136% increase in drug crimes. So far, the District Attorney's Office has filed 72 person-on-person charges, 11 of which involved a weapon.  


Further, Lincoln County's homicide rate has increased 500% from 2023. In the past six months, this county has experienced three officer-involved shootings and two homicides. This brings the total number of pending homicide cases to six, an unprecedented number for this county. The District Attorney detective, in combination with the Cold Case Team, was fundamental in solving Ryan Staggs's homicide three years after Staggs went missing. Currently, the Cold Case Team is actively working on the Kelly Disney homicide and has received federal funding and resources from the FBI Behavior Analyst Unit (BAU) in Quantico, Virgina. However, the District Attorney's Office must identify an internal lead detective.


In the past year, the District Attorney detective position has been instrumental in the successful trial prosecution of several cases prosecuted by DA Wallace, including Corey Jeffcoat (who was convicted of Sodomy in the First Degree, Rape in the First Degree, etc. for violently sexually assaulting his significant other on multiple occasions), Aubrey Skinner (who was convicted of Assault in the Second Degree for causing injury to his significant other with a PVC pipe), John Crowley (who was convicted of Assault in the Second Degree for smothering his girlfriend with a pillow), and Gunner Cravens (who was convicted of sexually abusing a 13 year-old family member).


As previously stated, the detective position became vacant on Monday, January 27, 2025. On January 29, 2025, the Lincoln County District Attorney's Office issued a press release regarding the vacant detective position and the impact the vacant position will have on operations. On February 3, 2025, Lincoln County responded on Facebook and claimed the press release contained misleading information.


This is, in fact, the first time in 20 years that the District Attorney's Office has been without any detective services. The full-time detective position has been vacant three times over the past 4 years; however, during those vacancies, the District Attorney's Office employed a second grant-funded detective that covered many gaps in services during any vacancy. The grant-funded detective position lost funding in September 2024, which reduced that employees' hours. The position was then eliminated by the County without discussion with the District Attorney's Office.


The District Attorney's Office was aware the County believed the statement regarding detective vacancies was misleading as Administrator Tim Johnson raised this concern to DA Wallace on January 30, 2025. DA Wallace corrected his misunderstanding as outlined above. It is unfortunate that this information was not passed along to the County's Public Information Officer prior to the response on Facebook four days later.


The District Attorney's Office also currently has a vacant Digital Forensic Analyst position that has been vacant since January 2024. Since May 2024, the District Attorney's Office has been actively advocating to modify the position into a Digital Forensic Detective hybrid position to meet the needs of the District Attorney's Office and Lincoln County crime victims. Although this modification has no budgetary impact as confirmed by County Administrator Johnson, the County has not approved the modification and the position remains vacant. If the position had been approved and filled, the District Attorney's Office would not be experiencing any gaps in detective services.


Every day the District Attorney's Office is without a detective, this community suffers. The District Attorney's Office urges Lincoln County to provide resources in this time of need, rather than withholding resources. The District Attorney's Office is actively working with the County Human Resources Department to post and fill the position as soon as possible.


The Lincoln County District Attorney's Office is optimistic that the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will recognize the community impact this gap in services has caused in the last seven days and work to rectify this situation as soon as possible to ensure the pursuit of justice and community safety.  

Lincoln County District Attorney's Office

Oregon Check Casher Sentenced to Federal Prison for Payroll Tax Scheme Involving $177 Million (Photo)
U.S. Attorney's Office - District of Oregon - 02/04/25 3:13 PM

PORTLAND, Ore.--A Tualatin, Oregon man was sentenced to federal prison today for conspiring to defraud the United States and filing false currency transaction reports.


David Katz, 48, was sentenced to 48 months in federal prison and three years' supervised release. He was also ordered to pay $44,877,254 in restitution to the IRS.


According to court documents and trial testimony, from January 2014 through December 2017, Katz, as president of Check Cash Pacific, Inc., conspired with others in the construction industry to defraud the United States by facilitating under-the-table payments to construction workers. To carry out the scheme, sham construction companies were created and used to cash more than $177 million in payroll checks at different Check Cash Pacific locations. The cash was used to pay construction workers under-the-table, with no taxes being withheld or reported to the IRS.


Construction companies would notify Katz when they planned to bring checks into one of his check cashing locations so that Katz could ensure he had enough cash on hand to complete the transaction. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of payroll checks were cashed daily and Katz was aware that at least one of his co-conspirators used a false name and social security number. Acting as compliance officer, Katz allowed hundreds of false regulatory reports to be filed knowing they contained the fake identity.


For his role in the scheme, Katz received a 2% commission on each transaction which, in total, amounted to more than $4 million. Over the course of their conspiracy, Katz and his co-conspirators prevented the IRS from collecting more than $44 million in payroll and income taxes due on the cash wages.


On December 2, 2021, a federal grand jury in Portland returned a five-count indictment charging Katz with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and four counts of filing false currency transaction reports with FinCEN. On June 12, 2024, a federal jury in Portland found  Katz guilty of all charges.


This case was investigated by IRS Criminal Investigation. It was prosecuted by Robert S. Trisotto and Andrew T. Ho, Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the District of Oregon.


# # #

Public Affairs Officer

Attached Media Files: Sentencing_Katz

PUC Holding Workshop on Wildfire Mitigation Planning and Community Outreach
Oregon Public Utility Commission - 02/04/25 10:25 AM

Public comment invited


SALEM, Ore. -- In 2024, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) ordered investor-owned electric utilities, including Portland General Electric, PacifiCorp, and Idaho Power, to work with PUC staff to evolve their wildfire mitigation plans. This included updates to the plan, inclusion of specific data, as well as exploration of community outreach methods and their effectiveness. The PUC is hosting this public workshop to further discuss wildfire mitigation plans and their evolution to ensure safe and reliable utility services for customers.


The PUC invites the public to learn about the work of the investor-owned utilities on wildfire mitigation planning and outreach and are invited to provide public comment on this matter.


Workshop Details

When: Thursday, February 6, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Public comment is expected to be solicited at about 2 p.m.


View the workshop notice for access to the workshop agenda and a link to the Zoom session or phone number at: https://bit.ly/3CwGCXR


Written comments accepted

Stay Informed

To stay informed throughout this process, individuals may request to be added to the distribution list to receive publicly available documents. Submit requests by email to ings@puc.oregon.gov">puc.hearings@puc.oregon.gov or by calling 503-378-6678. Please specify docket UM 2340 in the request.


# # #

Kandi Young, Public Information Officer
Cell: 503-551-5290 Kandi.young@puc.oregon.gov

In my view: This year, policymakers must act to protect access to care
Hospital Association of Oregon - 02/04/25 9:58 AM

By Becky Hultberg, president and CEO of the Hospital Association of Oregon


What makes a community a great place to live? It's pretty clear from recent public opinion research that Oregonians value safe and healthy communities. There are a variety of factors that go into what makes us feel safe and secure in our communities, including the confidence that if something happens, we'll be cared for. Oregon hospitals are foundational to that sense of safety and community, one that we always rely on but sometimes take for granted. Hospitals are a safety net to care for us and those we love when we need it most.  


Losing that sense of security diminishes our communities. Yet for the past five years, Oregon's community hospitals have grappled with mounting financial pressures that jeopardize their ability to continue serving as that critical safety net. The ability of hospitals to provide vital health care services, to employ Oregonians in their local communities, and to serve as trusted community partners is at risk, and with it is that sense of comfort and safety they provide.  


The hospital association has worked tirelessly to push for solutions, and I'm so glad that Gov. Tina Kotek has prioritized critical health care funding in her 2025 recommended budget. The budget strengthens Oregon's hospitals by including funding to support access to maternity care, train more health care workers, and assist hospitals that care for large numbers of low-income patients. It also calls for renewing the provider taxes to help secure matching federal funds for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). These measures alone will not solve the immense challenges facing hospitals, but they are a step in the right direction.  

This legislative session, our elected officials must act to protect access to health care in Oregon by supporting the governor's recommended budget. Without their action, we will face a compounding crisis--namely, OHP will not have enough funding to serve the one in three Oregonians on its rolls, and care will be at risk as hospitals are unable to weather unrelenting pressures including chronic underpayment from government health care programs like OHP.  


Hospitals are proud of the critical role they play in securing federal funding for OHP, which provides health coverage to some of our most vulnerable family members, friends, and neighbors. Through the expansion of this program, Oregon has been able to achieve a remarkable milestone: A full 97% of Oregonians are insured, the highest recorded insured rate in state history.   

But we have reached a point in our state where having health insurance doesn't mean you have access to doctors and hospitals. If you've tried to get an appointment with a primary care provider or spent time in an overcrowded emergency department, this rings true.  


About half of Oregon hospitals consistently lose money and many more barely make ends meet. That means they don't have the resources for the staff and infrastructure we all need, and that keep us cared for.  

OHP contributes to hospitals' financial distress by only paying them 56 cents for every dollar of care they provide to OHP members.  And when hospitals aren't paid enough to cover their costs, they are not able to continue to offer the kinds of services that we rely on to keep our communities safe, healthy and vibrant. 


On behalf of Oregon's 61 community hospitals--from Coos Bay to Enterprise and everywhere in between--I ask legislators to support the governor's budget, including supporting HB 2010 to reauthorize the provider taxes that help fund OHP and taking action to increasing funding for hospitals serving OHP members. These steps will not only protect access to care for all Oregonians but will help hospitals continue their important role in keeping our communities healthy and vibrant.  

Becca Thomsen
Director Of Communications

Love & Money: 5 Essential Tips for Couples this Valentine's Day (Photo)
OnPoint Community Credit Union - 02/04/25 9:30 AM
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Feb. 4, 2025 -- Committing to a long-term relationship is an exciting chapter. It's also an important time to establish how you will approach your finances as a couple. Research shows that almost one-third of partnered adults say money is a major source of conflict in their relationships.  With Valentine's Day right around the corner, OnPoint Community Credit Union has tips for couples on building a solid financial foundation. 
"While love may bring you together, financial compatibility can keep you together," said Kristen Gillis, Mill Plain branch manager at OnPoint Community Credit Union. "By aligning your financial goals and working as a team, you can create a future that's secure and fulfilling for both of you."
OnPoint recommends top five tips to strengthen a couple's financial future:
1. Plan regular financial date nights
Make financial check-ins fun by combining them with dinner or activities to discuss your financial picture. Have a standing agenda to review including income, debt and spending habits, to build trust and align goals.
2. Create a joint budget
Develop a shared budget that outlines income and expenses, ensuring both partners have input and clarity.
3. Set mutual financial goals
Identify and prioritize shared financial objectives, such as purchasing a home or planning vacations, to work toward together. Set up a joint savings account for shared goals and automate contributions for effortless progress.
4. Start a couple's emergency fund
Build a safety net specifically for unexpected expenses that might arise. OnPoint recommends having three to six months in savings that will cover at least basic needs. 
5. Seek professional advice
Consult financial advisors to gain personalized guidance tailored to your joint financial situation and goals.
OnPoint's team of financial experts helps couples achieve financial well-being every day. Services for couples include joint accounts, financial planning, investments, and personalized advice to help couples navigate their financial journey together. To visit one of OnPoint's 57 branches or learn more about OnPoint's full range of products and services, visit onpointcu.com
# # #
About OnPoint Community Credit Union 
OnPoint Community Credit Union is the largest credit union in Oregon, serving over 594,000 members and with assets of $9.7 billion. Founded in 1932, OnPoint Community Credit Union's membership is available to anyone who lives or works in one of 28 Oregon counties (Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Wheeler and Yamhill) and two Washington counties (Skamania and Clark) and their immediate family members. OnPoint Community Credit Union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). More information is available at onpointcu.com or 503-228-7077 or 800-527-3932.
Media Contact
Jenna Cooper, APR
Director, PR & Community Engagement
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Jenna.Cooper@onpointcu.com Or 503.880.8881

Attached Media Files: iStock-1354582704.jpg

UCC Concert Band Performs "Cosmic Kaleidoscope"
Umpqua Community College - 02/04/25 8:30 AM

ROSEBURG, Ore., Feb. 3, 2025 -- Umpqua Community College Performing and Visual Arts presents "Cosmic Kaleidoscope" by the UCC Concert Band, under the direction of Trevor Lavery-Thompson on Mar. 4, at 7 p.m. at Jacoby Auditorium on the UCC campus.


Embark on a musical journey celebrating light, color, and the cosmos. This performance will showcase a diverse selection of pieces that capture the beauty and wonder of our universe. Stunning visual imagery will accompany the music, creating an immersive and unforgettable performance.


Admission is available online or at the door, $15.00 general admission, $10.00 seniors, and students are free. Location: Jacoby Auditorium
For more information, contact 541-440-4691 or music@umpqua.edu


About Umpqua Community College
Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities. For more information, please visit us online at umpqua.edu.




Dr. Jason A. Heald, Director Of Music, Umpqua Community College

Police Policy Committee Meeting Scheduled 2-20-2025
Ore. Dept. of Public Safety Standards and Training - 02/04/25 8:19 AM





Notice of Regular Meeting

The Police Policy Committee of the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training will hold a regular meeting on February 20, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. in the Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For further information, please contact Juan Lopez at (503) 551-3167.


To view the Police Policy Committee's live-stream and other recorded videos, please visit DPSST's official YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@DPSST.


1. Introductions


2. Approve November 21, 2024, Meeting Minutes


3. Administrative Closures Consent Agenda (The following items to be ratified by one vote)
    Presented by Jennifer Levario


    a) Keith Byrd; DPSST No. 37928

        Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Police Certifications


    b) John Carter; DPSST No. 64289
        Basic, Management and Supervisory Police Certifications


    c) Maxwell Casquerio; DPSST No. 55070
        Basic Police Certification


    d) Robert Cheek; DPSST No. 62955
        Basic Police Certification


    e) Chris Uehara; DPSST No. 23999
        Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Supervisory and Management Police Certifications


    f) Trevor Middleton; DPSST No. 56655
        Basic Police Certification


    g) Richard Steinbronn; DPSST No. 32940

        Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Supervisory Police Certifications


    h) Michael Nork; DPSST No. 43679
        Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Police Certifications


    i) Christian Salinas; DPSST No. 59227
        Basic and Intermediate Police Certifications


4. Bradley McIntyre; DPSST No. 35126; Portland Police Bureau
   Presented by Jennifer Levario


5. Jeremiah Oswald; DPSST No. 60805; Washington County Sheriff's Office
   Presented by Jennifer Levario


6. Jared Paul; DPSST No. 57056; Oregon State Police Department
    Presented by Jennifer Levario


7. Jeromy Pilon; DPSST No. 54019; Newberg-Dundee Police Department
    Presented by Jennifer Levario


8. Agency Update


9. Next Police Policy Committee Meeting -- May 22, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.


Administrative Announcement

This is a public meeting, subject to the public meeting law and it will be recorded. Deliberation of issues will only be conducted by Police Policy Committee members unless permitted by the Chair. Individuals who engage in disruptive behavior that impedes official business will be asked to stop being disruptive or leave the meeting. Additional measures may be taken to have disruptive individuals removed if their continued presence poses a safety risk to the other persons in the room or makes it impossible to continue the meeting.

Juan Lopez, Executive Assistant
Department Of Public Safety Standards And Training
Phone: 503-551-3167
E-Mail: Juan.lopez-hernandez@dpsst.oregon.gov

Shadow Ranch Structure Fire
Central Douglas Fire & Rescue - 02/04/25 8:05 AM



At approximately 0726 am Monday morning, Central Douglas Fire & Rescue responded to a reported structure fire in the 400 block of Shadow Ranch lane. Upon arrival, crews found a home with fire coming out of a window.

The first engines initiated an offensive attack and conducted a primary search of the home. All occupants were able to safely escape from the home and were checked on by ambulance crews for smoke inhalation.

Central Douglas Fire & Rescue responded with 3 Fire engines, and 1 Command vehicle. Central Douglas Fire and Rescue was assisted by Roseburg Fire dept, Umpqua Valley ambulance, And Pacific Power.

CDFD BC Office 541-673-5503

The Umpqua Singers And Big Horn Jazz Band In Concert At UCC
Umpqua Community College - 02/04/25 8:00 AM

ROSEBURG, Ore., Feb. 3, 2025 -- Umpqua Community College Performing and Visual Arts presents the Umpqua Singers and Big Horn Jazz Band in concert on Mar. 12 at 7 p.m. in Centerstage at the Whipple Fine Arts Center on the UCC campus.


The Umpqua Singers, directed by Dr. Jason A. Heald, and the Big Horn Jazz Band, directed by John Gronberg, will present a program of high-energy music including jazz standards and contemporary selections.


Admission is available online or at the door, $15.00 general admission, $10.00 seniors, and students are free.
For more information, contact 541-440-4691 or music@umpqua.edu


About Umpqua Community College
Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities. For more information, please visit us online at




Dr. Jason A. Heald, Director Of Music, Umpqua Community College

UCC Roseburg Concert Chorale Presents "Musica Italiana E Americana"
Umpqua Community College - 02/04/25 8:00 AM

ROSEBURG, Ore., Feb. 3, 2025 -- Umpqua Community College Performing and Visual Arts presents the Roseburg Concert Chorale performing "Musica Italiana e Americana" on Mar. 14 at 7 p.m. and Mar. 16 at 3 p.m. in the Whipple Fine Arts Center on the UCC campus.


The concert will feature music by Italian and American composers, and will include Luigi Cherubni's Requiem. Directed by Dr. Jason Heald and accompanied by Tammy Finch-Johnson, the concert will showcase the Roseburg Concert Chorale's repertoire for their upcoming tour of Italy.


Admission is available online or at the door, $15.00 general admission, $10.00 seniors, and students are free.
For more information, contact 541-440-4691 or music@umpqua.edu


About Umpqua Community College
Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities. For more information, please visit us online at




Dr. Jason A. Heald, Director Of Music, Umpqua Community College

Mon. 02/03/25
02/03/25 - Deputies respond to crashes, make several DUI arrests over weekend (Photo)
Lane Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/03/25 2:23 PM
Arrest - DUI.jpeg
Arrest - DUI.jpeg
On January 31st at 7 a.m., Lane County Sheriff's deputies responded to a vehicle off the road in the area of Chambers Street and Crest Drive. Deputies contacted the driver, Omani De La Selva Canani, 22, and observed signs of impairment. After additional investigation and determining Canani had been driving impaired, he was arrested for DUI and lodged at the Lane County Jail.
On February 1st at 10 p.m., deputies responded to a crash into a tree on Sears Road. The driver, Aroya Dawn Newton-Kemplin, 30, was significantly injured and transported by LifeFlight to an area hospital. Deputies determined Newton-Kemplin was impaired. She was arrested and cited in lieu of custody for DUI.
On February 2nd at 6 p.m., deputies responded to a dispute in the 82800 block of Parker Lane, Dexter, regarding a person who was driving while intoxicated. Deputies contacted the driver, Krysa Lea Matsen, 44, and determined she was impaired. Matsen was arrested for DUI and lodged at the Lane County Jail.
On February 2nd at 2 a.m., deputies responded to a crash near the dam on Reservoir Road, south of Cottage Grove. Fire personnel on scene reported the driver, Jaime Nichole Wenetta, 37, appeared intoxicated. Deputies contacted Wenetta and determined she was impaired. She was arrested and cited in lieu of custody for DUI.
Please consider others on the road in the new year:
- Plan your safe ride home ahead of time
- If you drink or use drugs, do not drive for any reason
- If you know someone has been drinking or using drugs, don't let them drive
- If you host a party with alcohol, make sure all guests leave with a sober driver
- And please, always wear your seatbelt!
Sgt. Tim Wallace

Attached Media Files: Arrest - DUI.jpeg

North Bend School District Public Meetings February 2025
North Bend Sch. Dist. - 02/03/25 2:05 PM

North Bend School District Public Meetings -- February 2025


Below are North Bend School District public meetings currently scheduled for February:

February 6, 2025

Regular Board Meeting

North Bend City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.

835 California Ave., North Bend, OR


February 20, 2025

Board Work Session

North Bend School District at 5:00 p.m.

1913 Meade Ave., North Bend, OR



The schedule is subject to change.

Please email rix@nbend.k12.or.us">mbrix@nbend.k12.or.us or visit the NBSD Website: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1573 for agenda information

Michelle Brix
Office: (541) 751-6797

Oregon Department of Corrections Announces Healthcare Division Reform Initiative
Oregon Dept. of Corrections - 02/03/25 12:54 PM

Agency announces leadership changes, embarks on comprehensive review of care and services adults in custody receive across Oregon.


UPDATED:  The quote below is attributed to Director Michael Reese.


Salem, OR -- Today, the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) announced a significant reform initiative to overhaul the division that provides healthcare to adults in custody (AICs). The agency is addressing long-standing issues where AICs receive care at correctional facilities across Oregon. DOC will engage industry experts to improve its Health Services Division, and has taken steps to enhance staffing, enact operational changes, and innovate its pharmacy operations.


"The health and well-being of those in our care is a high priority. Too often the people coming into our prison system have complex medical conditions, high mental health needs, substance use disorders, and co-occurring disorders. It's also an aging population with approximately 1,400 adults in custody age 60 years or older. We recognize the challenges facing correctional healthcare in Oregon, and as an agency we are dedicated to addressing them with innovation and process improvement.


Patient-centered care must be central to what we do, and I am grateful for the dedication and hard work of our healthcare staff. As we move forward, I am committed to a transparent process of change in our Health Services Division to ensure we have the leadership, resources, and support needed to provide the highest standard of care," stated DOC Director Michael Reese.


The initiative includes the following actions:

"Nationwide and around the world, we have learned that people who experience incarceration are far more likely than others to have complex medical and behavioral health conditions. As a nation, we have a legal and moral obligation to meet those needs when people are in our care and custody, addressing clinical concerns, and returning better neighbors to our communities. Traditional models of healthcare delivery in correctional settings must be elevated in order to meet this need, and our teams specialize in this type of assessment and implementation of change," said Dr. Robin Timme, a forensic psychologist and vice president at Falcon Correctional and Community Services, Inc., an organization with a history of partnering with correctional agencies across the country.

Amber Campbell, 458-224-4390, Amber.R.Campbell@doc.oregon.gov
Robin Timme, 302-383-4099, Rtimme@falconinc.com

ODHS' $10 million grant program empowers communities statewide to enhance emergency preparedness and resilience
Oregon Dept. of Human Services - 02/03/25 12:37 PM

(Salem, Ore.) -- The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM) is pleased to announce the recipients of its Resilience Hubs and Networks grant. A total of 87 organizations from across the state have been selected to receive a portion of this transformative funding. A full list of awardees can be found on the ODHS OREM website.

The Resilience Hubs and Networks Grant program, funded through House Bill 3409 passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2023, allocated $10 million to help develop resilience hubs and networks throughout the state.

A resilience hub is a location where people come together daily to share resources, support one another and find resources during emergencies. A resilience network is an association of facilities, organizations, resource providers or service providers outside of a physical resilience hub facility that collectively serve the purposes of a resilience hub.

One recipient, the Spray General Store in Spray, Oregon, is featured in this story as an example of how this grant is helping small communities build stronger, more resilient futures. "When they told me I got our grant, and they told me we could have heat I got really choked up. I got really emotional. Rarely do we get funding for building issues. That bathroom and kitchen are really freezing. We would hear people scream when they went into the bathroom. Getting heat in the kitchen and bathroom is going to be a game changer for us," Joni Kabana, Spray General Store event and building manager, said. 

"We knew there was a need for the resilience hubs and networks grant funding in Oregon, but I was blown away when I learned that there were 700 applicants from across the state! I am pleased that our initial investment of $10M is supporting 87 localized projects, including building repair, outreach, communications and emergency response equipment, vehicles, training, operational expenses, and more. Communities and organizations are best situated to identify needs, and prepare and respond to emergencies and disasters--and ultimately to shape their own resilience. This program helps to do just that," Representative Pam Marsh, sponsor of House Bill 3409, said.

Ed Flick, OREM Director, said, "This grant is a game changer for Oregon. The streamlined application process and the flexibility to support a wide range of projects really underscores the truth that local communities know best what they need to thrive."

With more than 700 applications submitted, 87 applications were chosen to receive funding--highlighting the overwhelming demand and the critical importance of this program. $2 million was set aside to provide each of the Nine Tribes of Oregon with $222,222. 

Grant recipients had the option to apply for funding to support their current or emerging resilience hubs or networks, and/or to receive a pre-designed package of essential emergency equipment called a typed package.  These 'typed packages' are specifically designed set of supplies to help communities stay safe before, during and after emergencies. Last week ODHS OREM contracted with an Oregon company, Fixed Resilience, to assemble and deliver these packages to 18 grant recipients, ensuring that communities have the tools they need to respond effectively when disasters strike.

This innovative program is not just about responding to emergencies -- it's about building long-term resilience and strengthening the fabric of communities across Oregon.

Learn more about the Resilience Hubs and Networks grant at www.oregon.gov/odhs/emergency-management/Pages/resilience-grants.aspx


Sara Campos, Sara.k.campos@odhs.oregon.gov, 971-208-1947

BLM to Host Bridge Creek Area Allotment Management Plans Public Meeting
Bureau of Land Management Ore. & Wash. - 02/03/25 12:01 PM

Hines, Ore. -- The Bureau of Land Management invites you to share your thoughts about the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Allotment Management Plans in the Bridge Creek Area on north Steens Mountain. A virtual public meeting to share information, hear comments, and answer questions is set for February 13, 2025, at 5 p.m. PST.


The Bridge Creek Area Allotment Management Plans EIS analyzes several alternatives for livestock management and related actions across 26,378 acres in southeastern Oregon near the town of Frenchglen. The alternatives will consider issuance of 10-year grazing permits to up to three applicants for grazing preference, and approval of four AMPs that outline seasonal grazing systems, grazing utilization thresholds, monitoring, and range developments.


For more information and to pre-register for the meeting, please visit https://bit.ly/BridgeCreekMeeting.

Documents related to the project are available on the BLM's National Environmental Policy Act Register at https://tinyurl.com/BLMBCAEIS


-- BLM --


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America's public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Tara Thissell (541) 573-4400

02-03-2025 Notice of Meeting - Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (Photo)
Douglas Co. Government - 02/03/25 10:43 AM


February 3, 2025


Notice of Meeting

Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


(Douglas County, Ore.) The next meeting of the Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) will take place on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 12:00 pm, in Room 310 at the Douglas County Courthouse located at 1036 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon.


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to watch the meeting via video conference or listen via phone.  Members of the public who wish to watch or listen to this meeting can do so by accessing the options listed on the attached agenda.  For more information about the LPSCC program click here to access their webpage on the county website at or contact Koree Tate at ee.tate@douglascountyor.gov">koree.tate@douglascountyor.gov or call (541) 957-7790.


The meeting agenda is attached and can also be found at www.douglascountyor.gov.



Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs and activities.

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting,

please contact (541) 957-7790 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.









Program Contact: ee.tate@douglascountyor.gov">Koree Tate | LPSCC Program & Partnership Coordinator | Douglas County Juvenile Department

Phone: (541) 957-7790 | Email: ee.tate@douglascountyor.gov">koree.tate@douglascountyor.gov


Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov




Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist,(541)670-2804 Cell/(541)957-4896 - Tamara.howell@douglascountyor.gov

Attached Media Files: 02-03-25 Meeting Notice - Douglas County LPSCC.pdf

State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council Will Meet
State of Oregon - 02/03/25 9:37 AM

Salem, OR - The State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council will meet at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025. The meeting will take place remotely via the internet on Microsoft Teams and is open to the public. The agenda and handouts will be posted on the council's website.

  • What: Meeting of the State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council  

  • When: Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025, 11 a.m. to noon. 

  • Where: Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting by ID | Microsoft Teams 

    • Meeting ID: 248 640 172 639 Passcode: XM2p9p8D

  • Phone: +1 503-446-4951 Phone conference ID: 346 290 669#

  • Who: State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council   

The State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council is established by Governor Kotek's Executive Order 23-26, Establishing a State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council.


The purpose of the Council is to recommend an action plan to guide awareness education, and usage of artificial intelligence in state government that aligns with the state's policies, goals, and values and supports public servants to deliver customer service more efficiently and effectively. The recommended action plan shall include concrete executive actions, policies and investments needed to leverage artificial intelligence while honoring transparency, privacy, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. 


Meetings of the State Government Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council are open to the public. 


Public comment may be made during the meeting. Sign-up for public comment is required as spots are limited. Sign-up closes Monday, Feb. 10 at noon. Written comment will also be accepted. Written comment can be submitted by mail to the Council Support Office at 550 Airport Rd SE Suite C, Salem, OR 97301 or online via the office form


Accommodations can be arranged for persons with disabilities, and alternate formats of printed material are available upon request. Please contact Enterprise Information Services at 503-378-3175 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations. Closed captioning is included on the Microsoft Teams meeting.


Shirlene Gonzalez
Legislative Director
Enterprise Information Services

Two Rivers Correctional Institution reports in-custody death (Photo)
Oregon Dept. of Corrections - 02/03/25 8:50 AM
Shaun P. Thomas
Shaun P. Thomas

An Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) adult in custody, Shaun Patrick Thomas, died the morning of February 3, 2025. Thomas was incarcerated at Two Rivers Correctional Institution (TRCI) in Umatilla and passed away at the facility while on hospice care. As with all in-custody deaths, the Oregon State Police have been notified.


Thomas entered DOC custody on October 2, 2013, from Columbia County with an earliest release date of December 5, 2041. Thomas was 57 years old.


DOC takes all in-custody deaths seriously. The agency is responsible for the care and custody of 12,000 individuals who are incarcerated in 12 institutions across the state. While crime information is public record, DOC elects to disclose only upon request out of respect for any family or victims.


TRCI is a multi-custody prison in Umatilla that houses approximately 1,800 adults in custody. TRCI participates in prison industries with Oregon Corrections Enterprises including institution and industrial laundry, mattress manufacturing, and sewing. Other institution work programs include reparation and cleaning of irrigation ditches, maintenance of local baseball fields, and work with local cities and the Hermiston School District. The facility provides a range of correctional programs and services including education, religious services, and behavioral health services. TRCI opened in 2000.





Amber Campbell, 458-224-4390, Amber.R.Campbell@doc.oregon.gov
Betty Bernt, 971-719-3521, Betty.A.Bernt@doc.oregon.gov

Attached Media Files: Shaun P. Thomas

Springfield Utility Board Offers Generator Loan Programs to Enhance Customer Resilience
Springfield Utility Board - 02/03/25 8:29 AM

Although most power outages resolve quickly, major events like earthquakes, wildfires and winter storms can disrupt power for extended periods.


To assist customers with preparedness, Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is offering two new generator loan programs for its residential and small business electric customers.


"Having backup power, especially if you have a medical need, can provide peace of mind and additional safety while SUB crews work to restore power," says Meredith Clark, community relations manager at SUB.


The new 0% interest loan programs are for portable generators and for generator transfer switches. Loans of up to $1,000 are available and customer's repay the loan via their SUB bill.


Portable generators are particularly helpful for renters, and transfer switches assist those who want to integrate a generator into their home or business electrical system, Clark said. These devices allow customers to change the source of power from SUB's system to an installed generator during an outage. Without a professionally installed transfer switch, the generator can back-feed electricity to SUB's system through the main breaker and create a dangerous, even fatal, situation for line crews and customers.


SUB electric customers with a recent history of on time payments are eligible and encouraged to visit subutil.com for additional details, or to call SUB's resource management department at 541-746-0963.


About Springfield Utility Board: Springfield Utility Board is committed to providing reliable, safe, and affordable utility services to our community. These new pilot programs are part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the resilience of our infrastructure and the safety of our customers during emergency situations.

Meredith Clark

Umpqua Community College Announces New Medical Laboratory Science Program in Partnership with Idaho State University (Photo)
Umpqua Community College - 02/03/25 8:00 AM

ROSEBURG, Ore, Feb. 3, 2025--Umpqua Community College launches a new Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) academic program in partnership with Idaho State University (ISU). Students can save with affordable tuition by completing their first two years of college at UCC before transferring to ISU to earn their bachelor's degree. This innovative program allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in medical laboratory science while staying in their local community, creating new opportunities for career advancement in healthcare for residents of Douglas County.


Through this partnership, students will complete their academic coursework online with Idaho State University, a nationally recognized leader in Medical Laboratory Science education, while receiving hands-on clinical training at local healthcare facilities. This collaborative model ensures students gain both the theoretical knowledge and practical experience needed to succeed as medical laboratory professionals without having to leave their hometowns.


Medical Laboratory Scientists are vital members of the healthcare team, performing laboratory tests that help diagnose, treat, and monitor diseases. With the growing demand for skilled professionals in this field, the new MLS program at UCC will open doors for students to pursue rewarding careers while strengthening healthcare services in rural Oregon. 


According to the Roseburg VA Laboratory Management, Medical Laboratory Scientists are among some of the most difficult professionals to recruit nationwide because of the small population of candidates in this field. Roseburg is a geographically challenging location for recruitment, and this exciting venture not only affords Roseburg residents a rewarding career opportunity but also creates a pool of candidates for the Roseburg VA Laboratory, which has traditionally struggled to fill vacancies.


Roseburg VA Medical Center Director Patrick Hull stated, "Collaboration with UCC is vital for sustaining Veteran services in Roseburg. The programs Rachel has been developing help us ensure we have good, qualified candidates to fill our critical hospital and clinic vacancies. This is vital for our organization. Individuals going into the medical technology field have decreased since 2015, and it's awesome to know that UCC has helped us fill that gap."


"We are incredibly grateful to Idaho State University for this educational partnership and to our local healthcare partners for providing clinical training opportunities," said UCC President, Rachel Pokrandt. "This program aligns perfectly with our mission to bring high-quality education and workforce training to the community while addressing the critical shortage of healthcare professionals in our region." 


The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis projects that the demand for medical and clinical laboratory technologists in the U.S. will increase by 19 percent by the year 2030.


Enrollment for the Medical Laboratory Science program is now open. For more information on program requirements, curriculum, and how to apply, please visit umpqua.edu/medical-lab-scientist. 


About Idaho State University
Idaho State University, a Carnegie-classified doctoral research institution, is the state's lead institution for health care education. With more than 250 programs across its campuses in Pocatello, Meridian, Idaho Falls, and Twin Falls, ISU delivers the educational backbone to Idaho's growing workforce and is committed to serving the needs of students and communities across the region.

About Umpqua Community College
Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities.


ISU Contact: Rachel Hulse, Program Director Associate Professor Of The Idaho State University Medical Lab Science Program. Phone: (208) 282-4456, Hulsrach@isu.edu

UCC Contact: Suzi Pritchard, Executive Director Of Communications & Marketing, Phone: 541-440-7658, Suzi.pritchard@umpqua.edu

Attached Media Files: UCC-ISU-logo.png

Sun. 02/02/25
Sheriff’s Deputies Respond to Shady Cove Armed Robbery, Suspect Located and Arrested within Minutes (Photo)
Jackson Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/02/25 8:43 PM

JCSO Case 25-0612


SHADY COVE, Ore. - A suspect is in custody after using a firearm to rob a Shady Cove business this evening. Sunday, February 2 at 5:44 PM, ECSO 911 Dispatch received a call for an armed robbery at Burgers & Brews restaurant in the 21170 block of Highway 62 in Shady Cove. 


Jackson County Sheriff's Office (JCSO) deputies responded along with Eagle Point Police Department officers. Deputies located the suspect vehicle at 5:55 PM at the Shady Cove Chevron gas station. After a brief standoff, deputies arrested the suspect without incident at 6:02 PM. 


The suspect, Jonathan Allen Rusch, 24, of Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, is charged with first-degree robbery, menacing, and unlawful use of a weapon. He was booked and lodged in the Jackson County Jail. 


This case is under further investigation. There is no additional information for release at this time.

Aaron Lewis
JCSO Public Information Officer (PIO)
Desk: 541-864-8773
Cell: 541-531-8203

Attached Media Files: 28EF2A4B-068E-47EF-A044-BE43883E933F.jpeg , 2BD5E3CF-FC73-43D1-A0AF-3F9BE5405669.jpeg , IMG_2668.jpeg

Providence Women's Clinic Providers And Nurses Reach Agreement, Highlighting The Power Of Serious Negotiation
Oregon Nurses Assn. - 02/02/25 7:56 PM

(Portland, Ore.) - The providers and nurses at Providence Women's Clinic have reached a tentative agreement (TA) with Providence, demonstrating that when Providence negotiates in good faith and truly listens to the concerns of its caregivers, reaching a fair deal is possible. While the providers at the Women's Clinic are eager to return to their patients and resume the vital work of caring for their community, they remain steadfast in their solidarity with their colleagues. 


"Our members have made significant sacrifices to stand up for fair wages, safe staffing, and the ability to provide quality care to their patients," said Dr. Charlie Saltalamacchia. "This agreement at Providence Women's Clinic proves that solutions are within reach when Providence negotiates in good faith and prioritizes investment in their most valuable asset; their caregivers. The same commitment to fair bargaining must be extended to all remaining negotiations so that every caregiver can return to work with dignity and respect."


These are the first-ever contracts for both the registered nurses (RNs) and providers and they have secured key rights that are standard in union contracts, such as protections for leaves of absence, seniority, union representation, membership recognition, and a formal grievance process. Throughout this strike, these bargaining teams have worked tirelessly to find solutions and push negotiations forward. The overwhelming participation from providers and nurses has sent a clear message: healthcare workers will not back down when it comes to advocating for their patients and their profession.


For RNs, the major wins include: 

  • A new 25-step wage scale based on years of experience, resulting in 4%-20% pay increases for most RNs, plus across-the-board (ATB) raises in the second year. 
  • Extra pay for evening shifts, precepting, and per diem work. 
  • More than double the current funding for professional development. 
  • A new clinical ladder with significant pay increases at each advanced level. 
  • A ratification bonus for all currently employed RNs. 

For Providers, the key achievements include: 

  • Industry-leading protections for physician time and competitive incentives for additional work. 
  • Wage increases of 7.5%-15% for Advanced Practice Providers (APPs). 
  • Increased professional development funds for APPs. 
  • New procedures to ensure time deducted from leave banks is accurate. 

The tentative agreement reached at Providence Women's Clinic is an important step forward, but our fight isn't over. Many nurses and providers across Providence are still in mediation, working toward a fair contract. It's time for Providence to take all negotiations seriously and commit to resolving the remaining contracts so that every healthcare worker wins the agreement they deserve.


The ratification vote opens Monday, February 3 and closes on Tuesday, February 4 at 7 p.m.

The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) Represents A Diverse Community Of More Than 21,000 Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Throughout Oregon. Together, We Use Our Collective Power To Advocate For Critical Issues Impacting Patients, Nurses, And Health Care Professionals Including A More Effective, Affordable And Accessible Healthcare System; Better Working Conditions For All Health Care Professionals; And Healthier Communities. For More Information Visit Www.OregonRN.org.

Scott Palmer, Chief Of Staff, ONA - Palmer@oregonrn.org, 503 516 4840

UPDATE: Troyer Missing Person Alert Cancelled (Photo)
Douglas Co. Sheriff's Office - 02/02/25 10:57 AM
Robert Troyer
Robert Troyer

UPDATE 02/02/2025 11:00 AM 

GLENDALE, Ore. - On Saturday, February 1, 2025, shortly after 6:00 p.m., dispatchers received a call from a citizen reporting a possible sighting of Troyer's vehicle on Cow Creek Road at approximately milepost 22 outside of Glendale.

Deputies responded to the area locating the vehicle. Mr. Troyer was found to be deceased inside of the vehicle. There are no indications of foul play. The Douglas County Medical Examiner's Office was notified as well as his next of kin.

The Sheriff's Office would like to thank the community for their assistance, along with the Oregon Department of Transportation who assisted with the issuance of a Missing Endangered Person Alert along Oregon's highway systems.



ORIGINAL RELEASE 01/31/2025 4:30 PM 


ROSEBURG, Ore. - The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is attempting to locate Robert Troyer, a missing 81-year-old man with dementia.


Troyer was last seen at approximately 11:20 am on Friday, January 31, 2025, when he drove away from his Roseburg, Oregon home in a green 2001 Dodge Dakota pickup with a canopy. Troyer is not in possession of his cell phone or known to possess any other digital device that could aid in locating him. Troyer has been diagnosed with dementia and requires medication he does not have in his possession.


Troyer is described as a white male adult who stands at 5'09" weighing 200lbs and has white hair and blue eyes.

If anyone has information as to the whereabouts of Troyer, they are asked to contact the Douglas County Sheriff's Office at 541-440-4471. Reference Case #25-0340
Undersheriff Brad O'Dell

Attached Media Files: Robert Troyer , Troyer's vehicle , CANCELLED MISSING Person ROBERT TROYER.jpg